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G19 <br />Springsted Incorporated <br />1564 East Parham Road <br />Richmond , VA 23228 -2360 <br />Springsted <br />Tel 804- 726 -9748 <br />Fax:804- 726 -9752 <br />mw.springsted.eom <br />LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL <br />August 5, 2011 <br />Ms. Joyce McGehee, SPHR <br />Director of Human Resources <br />Ms. Debbie Oldham <br />Assistant Finance Director <br />Lee County <br />106 Hillerest Drive <br />Sanford, North Carolina 27330 <br />Re: Request for Proposal to Conduct a Comprehensive Classification and Compensation Study <br />Dear Ms. McGehee: <br />It is our pleasure to submit a proposal in response to the County's request for proposals for Consulting <br />Services- to Conduct a Comprehensive Classification and Compensation Study. We have developed a <br />comprehensive outline of our services and cost estimate to provide a thorough review of the County's <br />classification and compensation system. We are flexible in our work with local governments and are willing <br />to adjust the proposal to meet the County's needs. Springsted Incorporated, as a preferred provider of <br />services for the North Carolina Association of Comity Commissioners (NCACC), is pleased to submit our <br />qualifications to perform classification and compensation services for Lee County. <br />Our firm has assisted numerous jurisdictions and special purpose authorities in North Carolina and across <br />the United States, in addressing a wide variety of human resources issues. We have conducted classification <br />and compensation studies for a number of North Carolina counties and goKernmental agencies and our <br />management consulting services practice provides in -depth study and analysis on a variety of topics. In <br />addition, we have worked closely with numerous local governments in recent months to develop their first <br />or update their existing classification and compensation systems. Over the years, we have built a significant <br />base of knowledge as to how to work with a wide variety of staff to develop and implement a sound system <br />that best meets the community's needs. <br />We understand that Lee County has determined that development of an updated classification and <br />compensation system for al employee groups is necessary. An updated plan will significantly improve <br />morale among employees and enable the most effective use of available funds. The primary purposes of the <br />study are to: <br />• Evaluate competitiveness of the salary, benefits and additional pay compared to external market value <br />• Develop a compensation strategy and salary structure that is fair internally and externally <br />Public Sector Advisors <br />