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1989 - 09-18-89 Regular Meeting
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1989 - 09-18-89 Regular Meeting
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Last modified
4/16/2009 11:42:49 AM
Creation date
4/16/2009 11:42:24 AM
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Board of Commissioners
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BOOK 12 P„rc <br />906 <br />recommend in the O finance turn those in to Mr Hoyle no later <br />than noon, Friday, September 22nd so the Environmental Affairs <br />Board can proceed knowing what corrections, if any, or <br />forthcoming before their next meeting. That way the ordinance <br />could be amended and a public hearing held at the next meeting <br />of the Board on October 2nd at 9:30 A.M. <br />The Chairman thanked Ms. Yarborough and her committee for <br />their labors in this very important matter. <br />The Chairman recognized Mrs. Billie Elmore. Mrs. Elmore <br />represented Lee Chatham Concerned Citizens and thanked the Lee <br />County Environmental Affairs Board for their work on this <br />ordinance and welcomed the opportunity for a public hearing on <br />this subject. She encouraged the Commissioners to request the <br />Environmental Affairs Board to begin work on an expanded <br />ordinance for hazardous and low level radio active waste <br />management. She presented a petition with 1528 signatures <br />signed by Sanford and Lee County residents stating their <br />opposition to a commercial medical waste incinerator in the <br />area. <br />The Chairman recognized Mr. Charles Turner, member of the <br />Board of the Carolina Trace Association who advised that he had <br />presented a petition from residents of the Trace with 769 <br />signatures stating their opposition to a medical waste <br />incinerator. He complimented the Environmental Affairs Board <br />for their work on the ordinance and urged the Commission to give <br />their full attention and action to adoption of this ordinance. <br />The Chairman thanked Mrs. Elmore and Mr. Turner for their <br />interest in this very important matter. <br />The Chairman recognized Mr. Nathan Crissman, Tax <br />Administrator, who requested the Board accept the bids on County <br />property sold by Mr. Pickard at an auction totaling $16,120. <br />Commissioner Matthews moved to accept the bids. The motion was <br />seconded by Commissioner Stafford and upon a vote the results <br />were as follows: <br />Aye: Dossenbach, Matthews, Stafford, Wicker and Cox <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Crissman then presented a list of eight appeals and the <br />appraised value recommended by the Property Tax Commission. <br />Copy of the list is attached to these minutes and by this <br />reference made a part hereof. Commissioner Dossenbach moved to <br />accept the recommendation of the Property Tax Commission. The <br />motion was seconded by Commissioner Stafford and upon a vote the <br />results were as follows: <br />Aye: Dossenbach, Matthews, Stafford, Wicker and Cox <br />Nay: None <br />3 <br />
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