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ooK 12 92F <br />3. Features: Each map shall contain the following <br />information: <br />a. Drawn to a scale of not less than 200 feet to the <br />inch. <br />b. Location sketch map showing relationship of the <br />project to the surrounding area. <br />C. Graphic scale, date, North arrow, and legend. <br />d. Location of property with respect to surrounding <br />property and roads, and the names and addresses of adjacent <br />property owners according to county tax records. <br />e. Zoning classification of proposed project and <br />adjacent property. <br />f. The location of all boundary lines of the <br />property. <br />g. The total acreage of land in the project. <br />h. The location of existing and/or platted streets, <br />easements, buildings, railroads, cemeteries, bridges, <br />sewers, water mains, culverts, wells and gas and electric <br />transmission lines. <br />i. The location of water bodies, water courses, <br />groundwater aquifiers, springs and other pertinent <br />features. <br />j. The location, dimensions, and acreage of all <br />property proposed to be set aside for various uses on the <br />applicant's property. <br />k. The location of all test wells and/or borings. <br />1. The location of the 500 and 100 year flood plain, <br />and records of flood, including inundation due to dam <br />break. <br />M. The location of historic properties and gravesites, <br />including any plans for relocation of graves and <br />properties having historical significance. <br />4. Geological Map: A map showing location of faults, <br />dikes, sills and other pertinent geologic features <br />including bedrock type and strike and dip of any mappable <br />bedding; the depth and degree of weathering (saprolite); <br />identification and location of clay as to thickness, type <br />and permeability; and location of the water table as to <br />approximate depth, gradient and surface configuration. <br />-4- <br />