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a. <br />nv 12 Pt.Sc 92 <br />9. The anti c ated date to begin opera n. <br />10. A detailed estimate of the types and amounts of local <br />government services required by the operator in each year. <br />11. A description of emergency procedures and safety and <br />security precautions that will be in use at the facility. <br />This information should include details on emergency <br />assistance and emergency medical treatment that will be <br />required from the area's medical facilities, Lee County <br />Rescue Squad and community fire departments. <br />12. A description of the environmental protection measures <br />to be taken by the applicant to prevent contamination in <br />and around the facility site and the description of planned <br />monitoring systems, with an estimated annual budget for <br />each of these items. <br />13. A description of environmental protection measures to <br />be used during transportation of materials to and from the <br />facility, with an estimated annual budget for these <br />arrangements and an estimate of the volume of material to <br />be transported during each year of operation. <br />14. A description of the site closure plan for the facility <br />and the anticipated date of closure. <br />15. A description of anticipated need for post-closure <br />care. <br />B. A map or other written material attached to the <br />application shall include but are not limited to the following <br />information: <br />1. ownership. <br />a. Name, address and telephone number of legal owner <br />(and/or agent) of the subject property. <br />b. Name, address and telephone number of professional <br />persons responsible for plat or survey. <br />c. Description of any existing rights-of-way or <br />easements affecting the property. <br />d. Reference to any existing restrictive covenants on <br />the property. <br />2. Description: Location of property by tax map and <br />parcel number. This description should include a reference <br />to the deed book and page or other evidence of title the <br />current property owner may have. <br />-3- <br />