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1989 - 12-04-89 Regular Meeting
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1989 - 12-04-89 Regular Meeting
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Last modified
4/16/2009 10:50:09 AM
Creation date
4/16/2009 10:49:42 AM
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Board of Commissioners
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Foos D PAsE 3 <br />reason this is being brought before the Board a this time is <br />because the Planning Board will not meet in December and the <br />commissioners will not meet again in December except for the <br />Public Hearing. If this was not considered at this time the <br />developer would have to wait until January. The Sanitarian is <br />out on the site this morning and the Planning Board is aware of <br />this. The Planning Board's recommendation is to approve this <br />subject to the Sanitarian signing the map. <br />Discussion followed on the road not being paved and whether <br />it should be a requirement in the subdivision ordinance for all <br />roads to be paved. Commissioner Dossenbach expressed that now <br />would be the time to pave the road and add it to the price of <br />the lot. Mr. Barefoot agreed, but noted at some point you will <br />hear the argument that for the type of development it is, the <br />cost is prohibitive. Commissioner Cox stated that the Planning <br />Board should endeavor to minimize approval of roads that are not <br />paved. Mr. Barefoot informed the Board that in 1985 when the <br />ordinance was amended, the Planning Board recommended requiring <br />all roads be paved and the Commissioners at that time decided <br />against this. The Planning Board will be glad to study this <br />again if this Board so desires. <br />Mr. Barefoot advised this subdivision does meet the <br />requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance. The only thing the <br />board needs to consider, is whether to approve it without the <br />Sanitarian's signature. As far as discussions about the paved <br />road, he will be glad to take this back to the Planning Board. <br />However, in fairness to the Developer, he has followed the rules <br />that were given him in 1985. Commissioner Stafford moved to <br />approve the final Subdivision Plan for White Hill Meadows, <br />Section II subject to the approval of the County Health <br />Department. Commissioner Cox seconded the motion and upon a <br />vote the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Cox, Dossenbach, Matthews, Stafford and Wicker <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion carried unanimously. <br />The Chairman advised the next item on the agenda was <br />Consideration of a proposal regarding positions in the <br />Department of Social Services. Mr. Donn Gunderson, Director <br />Department of Social Services was recognized. He advised that <br />on November 14th the Board approved the 3/5 time Social Worker <br />III position to investigate child protective services cases. <br />Since that time they have had a continued high load of neglect <br />and abuse referrals. There were 39 in the month of October and <br />31 through the 29th of November. State personnel regulations <br />do not allow Social Worker II positions to investigate neglect <br />and abuse referrals. It requires a Social Worker III position. <br />They currently have 2 investigators and one Intake Worker who is <br />a Social Worker II. They feel they need more time in the <br />investigative role. His proposal is to make the III position <br />full time and to convert the Social Worker II position back to <br />3 <br />
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