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018 <br />LAND USE INFORMATION PRESENTED AT THE PUBLIC HEARING <br />• PETITION #2008-1001 <br />Site and Area Description <br />The area requested for rezoning is on the south side of Buckhorn Road and begins approximately <br />320 feet southeast of the intersection of Avent's Ferry Road and Buckhorn Road. The property <br />consists of a 1.00-acre lot (Lot 2A) that is currently a portion of a 3.91-acre tract located at 5725 <br />Buckhorn Road and shown as Lot 2 on a survey map for Cecil and Faye Cameron, recorded in <br />Plat Cabinet 9, Slide 381, Lee County Registry of Deeds. The proposed lot will have 206 feet of <br />road frontage and a depth of 200 feet. <br />All adjoining properties are zoned residential agricultural. Sloan's Grocery Store located north <br />of the site at the northeast corner of Avent's Ferry Road and Buckhorn Road is zoned Highway <br />Commercial. Land uses in the area are primarily residential uses consisting of single-family <br />dwellings and farmland. <br />Staff Analysis <br />The applicant, Cape Fear Volunteer Fire Department, plans to build a sub-station at this site. <br />This sub-station is the second of four sub-stations that was recommended by the Lee County Fire <br />Advisory Board and approved by the Board of Commissioners last year. The Lee County Fire <br />Advisory Board also stated that the addition of these sub-stations will decrease the number of <br />residences and businesses currently not in a rated fire district. <br />• The petitioned lot has access to public water by means of an existing 8-inch water line in the <br />right-of-way of Buckhom Road. The proposed lot and development have been approved by Lee <br />County Environmental Health for a private on site septic system for waste water disposal. <br />The Residential Agricultural District is intended for very low-density residential and agricultural <br />uses with a minimum lot size of 40,000 square feet. <br />The Office & Institutional District is established to provide for agencies and offices rendering <br />specialized services such as the fire substation. <br />If rezoned, the property will be subject to all applicable development standards of the UDO. <br />A site plan of the proposed project was reviewed by the Technical Review Committee on August <br />28, 2008. <br />Environmental Issues <br />The petitioned property is not located within a water supply watershed or floodplain area. <br />Conformance with the 2020 Land Use Plan <br />The 2020 Land Use Plan and Map have not identified this area for any particular use. <br />The proposed sub-station will provide a valuable benefit to the county and the community in <br />which it is to be located. When considering the zoning of the property, current development <br />• trends of the neighborhood should be continued and applied. <br />