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004 <br />purchase of two new 2008 4x4 Ford Explorers from Crossroads Ford, Cary, North Carolina, in <br />• the amounts of $22,052.90 and $22,339.90. Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Brown, Kelly, Lemmond, Paschal, Quiggle, Reives, and Shook <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />The Board considered approval of the Consent Agenda. Commissioner Kelly moved to <br />approve the Consent Agenda as amended which consisted of the following items: <br />• Minutes from the August 18, 2008 regular meeting, <br />• Minutes from the September 2, 2008 joint meeting with the Board of Education, <br />• Recommendation from the Lee County Planning Board in reference to a rezoning <br />request from the Deep River Volunteer Fire Department (copy attached); <br />• Recommendation from the Lee County Planning Board in reference to a new 22-lot <br />subdivision on Dycus Road (copy attached); <br />• Tax Releases and Refunds for August 2008 (copy attached); <br />• Modification agreement to County Manager's Employment Contract (copy <br />attached), <br />• Request from CCCC to use contingency funds to complete the Emergency <br />Services Training Center, <br />• Budget Amendment # 09115/08/#06 (copy attached), and <br />• Capital Project Budget Ordinance for San Lee Park Dam (copy attached) <br />• The following signed up to speak during the Public Comments section of the meeting: <br />1. Mr. Russell Noel, 1413 Cherokee Trail, Sanford (tax matter) <br />2. Ms. Ann Blakely, Clerk of Court (smoking at Lee County Courthouse); and <br />3. Mr. Keith Clark, 233 Chris Cole Road, Sanford (tribute to County <br />employees) <br />The Board considered a Smoking Ordinance for Lee County buildings. This item <br />has been on the agenda for the past two meetings, with action deferred at the first meeting <br />and a tie vote resulted at the last meeting when a motion was make to take the matter off <br />the table for consideration. County Attorney K. R. Hoyle drafted a revised Ordinance for <br />the Board to consider along with a Resolution asking the City of Sanford and Town of <br />Broadway to permit the Smoking Ordinance to be applicable within their jurisdictions. <br />Commissioner Reives moved to take the item off the table for discussion and <br />consideration. Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Brown, Kelly, Lemmond, Paschal, Quiggle, Reives, and Shook <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />Chairman Brown explained that the Ordinance would require two votes if not adopted <br />unanimously on the first reading. County Manager John Crumpton advised the Board that <br />if the Smoking Ordinance was adopted, a Resolution would also need to be adopted <br />2 <br />