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09-3 <br />"Community Superstars" Summary <br />i <br />SI-IIPs across the country have discovered that we have to dig deeper to locate Low- <br />Income Subsidy (LIS) eligible beneficiaries. Many LIS eligible don't frequent the normal <br />sites in which we provide outreach such as senior centers, churches and nutrition sites. In <br />fact, many beneficiaries don't belong to any organized group whatsoever. The <br />"Community Superstars" effort is a unique way to dig deeper into the beneficiary <br />population and cover our bases by providing information and outreach to the <br />beneficiaries who don't come to us for help, the ones who slip through the cracks. <br />The workshop we are asking SI111P Coordinators to MITY out in each county <br />demonstrates a fun and innovative way to locate the hard-to-find LIS eligible in your area <br />by creating a steering committee of "Community Superstars." Discover the people in <br />your community who are the trusted pipeline of information to diverse groups of low- <br />income beneficiaries. Develop new partnerships in previously unreachable demographics <br />in your cormmunity and deliver benefit information in creative new ways. <br />A PowerPoint presentation on this project is located on (Go to the <br />last tab on the left of the home page, Into for Current S1-11IP Coordinators, log in and you <br />will find the information.) The presentation will demonstrate how to locate the <br />Superstars in your community, how to form a working partnership with them, and <br />provide proven tools that your Superstars can use to assist you in locating diverse groups <br />of LIS eligible. At the same time,, you will open new lines of communication to hard-to- <br />reach demographics, enable new lines of communication for future projects, and create <br />positive goodwill in your community. In addition, there will be a session on <br />"Community Superstars" at the Annual SI-11111 Coordinators' Conference in August. <br />• <br />Page 8 of 8 <br />