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022 <br />Attachment II <br />For the period 7/1/2008 -6/30/2009 <br />Budget <br />provide a budget and short narrative on the use of the $4,200.00 mini grant. Please <br />provide details of all expenses including routine charges. These expenditures may <br />include telephone, postage, salary, equipment purchases, internet set-vices etc. Please <br />note $1,200.00 of these funds must be used for activities related to Low Income Subsidy <br />(LIS) outreach and enrollment. Please specify separately how the $1,200.00 will be spent <br />on this effort. <br />All budgets must be approved by the SH11P office. <br />Aoencv: The Enrichment Center <br />Budget: $3000 <br />Part-time employee 1840.00 <br />Carolyn Blackman <br />Trained SI-1111' Counselor <br />Nov 3-Dec 31, 2008 <br />4 hours per day/ 20 hours per week <br />Travel and Training 500.00 <br />Advertising 340.00 <br />Volunteer Appreciation 320.00 <br />i'oTAL 53000.00 <br />Budget: $1200 <br />Community Superstar Event 600.00 <br />Advertising and Promotional Items <br />(to reach potential LIS beneficiaries) 600.00 <br />TOTAL $1200.00 <br />• <br />Page 7 of 8 <br />