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021 <br />Attachment I <br />is For the period 7/1/2008 - 6/31/2009 <br />Statement of Work <br />Agency: The Enrichment Center <br />This statement should be a short summary describing what your agency does and how <br />your agency will use these funds. The uses ofthese funds are not limited to but MUST <br />include the following activities: <br />1) Hold regular (weekly) counseling clinic during the period 10/2008 through 3/2009, <br />2) coordinate a county volunteer recognition event during the period 9/1/2008 - 10/31/2008, <br />3) hold a "Community Superstars" meeting during the contracted period, <br />4) expand Lower Income Subsidy (LIS) outreach and enrollment in the county. This grant <br />requires $ 1200.00 be spent for LIS efforts and reflected separately in the Budget <br />Attachment 11, and <br />5) attendance at the SHIIP Coordinators' Training Conference on August 21 and 22, 2008 is <br />mandatory for all coordinators. (Maximum 2 pages) <br />SCOPE OF WORK: <br />The Enrichtncnt Center is the headquarters for Lee County Senior Services, Senior <br />Games of Lee County, Veteran's Services, and the County of Lee Transit System. Space <br />is made available for the SI HIP traimngs and counseling sessions. Information sessions <br />are held at the Center and in the community regarding the Medicare Prescription drug <br />plan program. Free counseling sessions are held at the Center and scheduled through the <br />receptionist. The allocation will be used to enhance the program through information <br />materials, travel and training reimbursement, advertising, and periodic recognition of <br />SI-11111 volunteers. Additional events arc planned to promote and educate the public about <br />the upcoming 2008 open enrollment period regarding Medicare ]'art D. To maintain <br />awareness of the services offered, promotional items, brochures, and other printed <br />materials will be used during outreach opportunities such as Expos, community events <br />and health fairs. A Community Superstar Event will be held to reach members of the <br />community who may assist SI-1111) with reaching remaining Low-Income Subsidy (LIS) <br />eligible beneficiaries. <br />• <br />Page 6 of 8 <br />