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013 <br />2) A mid-year report of the contracted activities of the Contractor; due by <br />January 31, 2009, <br />3) A final report within sixty (60) days of the project end date; due on or before <br />August 29, 2009. <br />10. Amount of Reimbursement: <br />(Include this section in all contracts). <br />The total reimbursement from the Division to the Contractor for provision of services in this <br />contract shall not exceed $_4,200.00. This amount consists of 4.200.00, (SI-111P Federal Grant), <br />CFDA It 93.779 (enterCh-DAII if 1, ecleroljratds)- <br />Check a or b as applicable. <br />[ x ] a. There are no matching requirements from the Contractor. <br />[ ] b. The Contractor's matching requirement is $ , which shall consist of: <br />] In-kind ] Cash <br />[ ] Cash and In-kinds Cash and/or In-kind <br />The total contract amount is $_4 ,200.00. <br />The contributions from the Contractor shall be source from non-Federal funds. <br />• 11. Payment for Services: <br />Upon execution of this Contract, the Division shall submit to the Agency the full amount of the <br />total reimbursement within 30 days. <br />Contract period. All payments are contingent upon fund availability. <br />12. Access to Persons and Records: <br />(Include in all contracts). <br />The Agency agrees to provide the North Carolina State Auditor, the Division, the Department of <br />Insurance, all applicable federal agencies, or their agents, with access to persons and records for <br />the purpose of monitoring, evaluating, or auditing this Contract and the Agency's performance, <br />and for all other purposes required by law, regulation or policy. <br />13. Record Retention: <br />The Department of Insurances' basic records retention policy requires all records related to this <br />Contract to be retained for a minimum of three years following completion or termination of the <br />contract- Policy further requires records to be retained for a period of three years following <br />submission of the final federal Financial Status Report, if applicable, or three years following <br />the submission ofa revised final Federal Financial Status Report. Also, ifany litigation, claim, <br />negotiation, audit, disallowance action, or other action involving this contract has been started <br />before expiration of the three year retention period, the records must be retained until completion <br />• of the action and resolution of all issues which arise from it, or until the end of the regular three <br />Page 3 o(8 <br />