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roo~ 13 PAGE 22 <br />The Chairman led the motion carried unl0mously. <br />Chairman Wicker appointed Commissioners Cox and Dossenbach <br />to serve on the committee and work with the County Attorney and <br />County Manager. He asked that the Sheriff attend the <br />committee's first meeting. Commissioner Cox felt that <br />Commissioner Matthews should serve on the Committee in his place <br />because she was the only Commissioner who had favored the <br />current site since the beginning. The Chairman agreed to <br />Commissioner Matthews serving on the committee. <br />The County Manager was asked to obtain information on <br />the prefab jail in Wilson County. <br />The Chairman asked if there was any other business to come <br />before the Board. Commissioner Cox advised that he felt in the <br />future at Public Hearing the Board should not allow <br />demonstrations like the applause and booing that occurred at the <br />Public Hearing held on December 18th. <br />The County Manager referred to two letters under <br />Reports/Information - one from the NC Association of County <br />Commissioners regarding Upcoming District Meetings and one <br />from the Department of Transportation responding to his letter <br />concerning the railroad crossing on Horner Boulevard. He also <br />advised that David M. Griffith and Associates has completed the <br />first draft of the salary survey. Chairman Wicker asked that <br />the Finance Committee review this and make a recommendation to <br />the Board. <br />The County Manager was directed to write the Fire <br />Departments and ask that their reports be received in a timely <br />manner. <br />Commissioner Stafford reported on the Solid Waste Committee <br />Public Hearing and advised that his committee will now move <br />forward to make recommendations concerning a selection plan, but <br />this will not include disposal. He advised he will write a <br />letter to the Chatham, Harnett and Moore County Boards <br />concerning construction of a high tech landfill. The Board <br />agreed that the regional approach is more advantages and asked <br />that a copy of the letter be sent to the Board. <br />There being no further business to come before this <br />session, Commissioner Cox moved to adjourn. Commissioner <br />Matthews seconded the motion and upon a vote the results were as <br />follows: <br />Aye: Cox, Dossenbach, Matthews, Stafford and Wicker <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been unanimously adopted <br />and the meeting adjourned. <br />4 <br />