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aoo~ 13 33 <br />Lee County Board of Commissioners <br />January 12, 1990 <br />Page 2 <br />AMOUNT OF THE BOND ISSUE: The committee recommends that <br />the bond issue for the total project be $8,700,000. A <br />detailed summary of this estimated cost is attached. The <br />committee recommends that the site work and other <br />miscellaneous expenses not detailed in the attached cost <br />estimate be funded from the contingency appropriation of <br />approximately $641,000. Moreover, Bob Joyce feels that <br />there is a possibility of securing some grant funds for any <br />water and sewer work related to the project and also <br />according to Bob, the State is currently studying the State <br />Jail Grant Program because of a lack of interest by <br />counties statewide due to the extremely harsh guidelines <br />under the current program. If these guidelines are <br />relaxed, Lee County may be able to secure some grant funds <br />for the work release and dormitory spaces of a new jail <br />facility. <br />If you have any questions about any of this information, please <br />feel free to call me. <br />WKC:ac <br />cc: Sheriff Bryant <br />Bob Joyce <br />Attachments <br />