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® Aux U s 32 <br />LEE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA <br />INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM <br />TO: Lee County Board of Commissioners//'' (~J <br />FROM: William K. Cowan, County ManagerZv'' ' <br />SUBJECT: Committee Recommendation <br />DATE: January 12, 1990 <br />Commissioners Matthews and Dossenbach met with Sheriff Bryant, <br />Bob Joyce and myself on January 11, 1990 to discuss the <br />proposed courthouse, jail and law enforcement center. The <br />committee reviewed the attached Construction Cost Estimate <br />which was prepared by Construction Control Corporation at my <br />request. This Company is a construction management firm based <br />in Columbia, South Carolina and is currently working on several <br />courthouse and jail/law enforcement projects in North Carolina, <br />South Carolina and Virginia. Their portfolio includes projects <br />which have recently been completed, recently awarded, and some <br />at the same stage as Lee County's. <br />The committee asked that I relate to you the following <br />recommendations: <br />1. PREFABRICATED JAIL CONSTRUCTION: The committee recommends <br />that the Board not consider this option to Lee County's <br />jail problems at this time. Based on research by Sheriff <br />Bryant and Bob Joyce, this type of construction is feasible <br />if a County has a jail with adequate maximum security <br />cells, core areas and support areas. Since our detention <br />facility is grossly inadequate in these areas, the <br />committee does not recommend this as an option. However, <br />future expansion of a new jail could be possible using this <br />construction method, according to Sheriff Bryant. <br />RENOVATION OF THE EXISTING COURTHOUSE BUILDING: The <br />committee recommends that the existing courthouse building <br />be completely renovated as a part of this project. <br />According to Ed Fitchett, this costs would be approximately <br />$60.00 per square foot. This represents a savings of <br />approximately $635,000 on the courthouse portion of this <br />project. The existing courthouse structure has <br />approximately 19,000 gross square feet. As you know, this <br />building has a new roof on the original 1908 structure <br />which was recently completed at a cost of $50,000. <br />