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eoo 13. "163 <br />not service the Aging Program. However, they hie found they <br />cannot withdraw in that short of notice. If they could have <br />withdrawn this year Mrs. Adams would be concerned, but she is <br />more comfortable now that she has been given a year to develop an <br />alternative strategy. If we do not stay in the Triangle J COG, <br />then we need to make them an offer for servicing the Aging <br />Program. <br />Commissioner Cox moved that Lee County decline membership <br />in Triangle J COG and Triangle South in the interest of budget <br />considerations and that the County Manager be instructed to <br />negotiate with Triangle J COG for administration of the required <br />services. Commissioner Dossenbach seconded the motion. The <br />Chairman expressed his concern that we may be making this <br />decision too fast. The Board discussed the matter at length. <br />Commissioner Stafford advised that if the originator of the <br />motion would include a sum as to what we would pay for <br />administration of the services he would be supportive of that <br />part of the motion. Also, Triangle South has not been discussed <br />and he wished it had not been included in the motion. <br />Commissioner Cox amended his motion to withdraw Triangle South <br />and to authorize the County Manager to negotiate with a $10,000 <br />cap for the services. Commissioner Dossenbach seconded the <br />motion. The Chairman asked the Clerk to read the motion: "To <br />decline membership in the Triangle J COG because of budget <br />concerns and authorize the County Manager to negotiate with them <br />for servicing the Program on Aging with a cap of $10,000 for <br />these services." There being no further discussion, upon a vote <br />the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Cox, Dossenbach, Matthews, Stafford and Wicker <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion carried unanimously. <br />Commissioner Dossenbach reported for the committee on <br />membership in Triangle South. He advised that last year when <br />Triangle South came before this Board one of their members stated <br />that if Lee County would fund them that year, they would not ask <br />for further funding unless they could show some benefits from the <br />money that was given. The committee feels that Lee County has <br />not received any benefits from Triangle South and recommends that <br />Lee County withdraw its membership from this organization. <br />Commissioner Dossenbach moved that Lee County withdraw its <br />membership from Triangle South effective July 1, 1990. <br />Commissioner Cox seconded the motion. <br />The Chairman asked if membership in Triangle South was in <br />the budget this year. The County Manager advised they are <br />budgeted for $10,000 under Grants and Economic Development. <br />Discussion followed on what services Triangle South provided. <br />The County Manager reported that they offer committees that study <br />issues such as transportation, education, solid waste and other <br />issues of importance to their districts and city councilmen in <br />their service area which they consider to be Harnett County, <br />4 <br />