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<br />The Board of Commissioners may change or amend any Conditional Use
<br />Permit, upon recommendation of the Planning Board, and after public
<br />hearing, and subject to the same consideration as provided for in this
<br />article for the original issuance of a Conditional Use Permit.
<br />Section 6. Interpretation, Purpose, and Conflict.
<br />In interpreting and applying the provisions of this ordinance, they shall
<br />be held to be minimum requirements for the promotion of the public safety,
<br />health convenience, prosperity, and general welfare. It is not intended by
<br />this ordinance to interfere with or abrogate or annul any easements, cove-
<br />nants, or other agreements between parties, provided, however, that where
<br />this ordinance imposes a greater restriction upon the use of buildings or pre-
<br />mises or upon the height of buildings, or requires larger open spaces than
<br />are imposed or required by other ordinances, rules, regulations, or by ease-
<br />ments, covenants, or agreements, the provisions of this ordinance shall
<br />govern.
<br />Section 7. Separability.
<br />Should any article, section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause,
<br />phrase, or district boundary of this ordinance andlor the zoning map which
<br />is a part of this ordinance herein or hereafter adopted be decided by the
<br />courts to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decisions shall not affect the
<br />validity of these regulations and the zoning map as a whole or any part
<br />thereof other than the part so decided to be unconstitutional or invalid. The
<br />Board of County Commissioners hereby declares that it would have adopted
<br />this ordinance and zoning map, irrespective of the fact that any one or more
<br />articles, sections, subsections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, phrases, or
<br />district boundaries be declared unconstitutional or invalid.
<br />Section S. Penalty.
<br />A violation of this ordinance shall be turned over to the County Attor-
<br />ney for prosecution. Any person, firm, or corporation who violates any
<br />provisions of this ordinance shall, upon conviction, be guilty of a misde-
<br />meanor, and shall be fined not exceeding fifty dollars ($50.00) or imprisoned
<br />not exceeding thirty (30) days. Each day that a violation continues to exist
<br />shall be considered to be a separate offense, provided the violation is not
<br />corrected within thirty (30) days after notice of the violation has been given.
<br />Section 9. Effective Date.
<br />This ordinance, including the official Lee County Zoning Maps, shall take
<br />effect from and after the date of its adoption by the Board of County Com-
<br />missioners. Date of adoption: June 18, 1990. Effective date: June 19, 1990.
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