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NOW,, <br />13 211'7 <br />ARTICLE X1 <br />NONCONFORMANCES <br />Section 1. Purpose and Intent. <br />If, within the district established by this ordinance, or by amendments <br />that may later be adopted, there exist lots, structures, and uses of land and <br />structures which were lawful before this ordinance was passed or amended, <br />but which would be prohibited under the terms of this ordinance, it is the <br />intent of this ordinance to permit these nonconformances to continue until <br />they are removed (except signs, which are provided for below), but not to <br />encourage their continuance. Such nonconformances are declared by this <br />ordinance to be incompatible with permitted uses in the districts in which <br />they are located. <br />It is further the intent of this ordinance that nonconformances shall not <br />be enlarged upon, expanded or extended, or used as grounds for adding <br />other structures, or uses prohibited elsewhere in the same district. <br />Section 2. Nonconforming Lots of Record. <br />In any district in which single-family dwellings are permitted, notwith- <br />standing limitations imposed by the other provisions of this ordinance, a <br />single-family dwelling and customary accessory buildings may be erected on <br />any single lot which was recorded prior to the date it became legally non- <br />conforming. Such lot must be in separate ownership. This provision shall <br />apply even though such lot fails to meet the requirements for area or width, <br />or both, that are generally applicable in the district, provided that yard <br />dimensions and other requirements not involving area or width, or both, of <br />lot shall conform to t:he regulations for the district in which such lot is <br />located. Variance of area, width, and yard requirements shall be obtained <br />only through action of the Board. <br />If two (2) or more lots or combination of lots and portions of lots with <br />continuous frontage in single ownership are of record at the time of passage <br />or amendment of this ordinance, and if all or part of the lots do not meet at <br />least eighty percent (80%) of the requirements for lot width area for the zone <br />in which they are located, as established by the ordinance, the lands <br />involved shall be considered to be an undivided parcel, for the purpose of <br />this ordinance, and no portion of said parcel shall be used or sold which does <br />not meet width and area requirements established by this ordinance, nor shall <br />any division of the parcel be made which leaves remaining any lot with width <br />or area below the requirements stated in this ordinance. <br />Section 3. Nonconforming Uses of Open Land. <br />This category of nonconformances consists of lots used for storage <br />yards, used car lots, auto wrecking, junkyard, golf driving ranges, and <br />similar open uses where the only buildings on the lot are incidental and <br />accessory to the open use of the lot and where such use of the land is not <br />60 <br />