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boos D -rs~ 235 <br />Section 2. Notes to the Table of Area, Yard, and Building Requirements. <br />2.1 Modification of Required Yards <br />(a) Established average front yard lines shall be observed: Where lots <br />comprising forty percent (40%) or more of the frontage on one (1) <br />side of a block are developed with buildings at the time of adoption <br />of the ordinance, the average alignment of the existing building <br />along such frontage shall be the minimum front yard required along <br />said side of said block and no building hereafter erected or struc- <br />turally altered shall project beyond the average front yard lines. <br />(b) Average front yard lines for blocks over one thousand (1,000) feet <br />long: Where a block is over one thousand (1,000) feet long, the <br />average alignment of the existing buildings for a distance of two <br />hundred (200) feet on both sides of the lot in question shall be the <br />front yard line. Where all lots within two hundred (200) feet of a <br />vacant lot in a block over one thousand (1,000) feet long are <br />vacant, the minimum front yard for the lot in question shall be <br />given in Article VII, Section 3 for the respective districts. <br />(c) Reduction of <br />minimum front yards where adjoining lots have <br />less <br />than required <br />minim <br />um: Where the front yards of adjoining lots on <br />either side of <br />a lot <br />are less than the minimum front yard of the <br />dis- <br />trict, the average <br />front yard of the adjoining lots shall be <br />the <br />minimum front <br />yard <br />for such lot, if the buildings on such two <br />(2) <br />adjoining lots <br />are <br />less than one hundred and twenty (120) <br />feet <br />apart. <br />(d) Corner lots adjoining along common rear lot line: Where a corner lot <br />in any district adjoins a corner lot in a residential district, along a <br />common rear lot line, the minimum side yards along the common <br />street line shall be twenty (20) feet. Accessory buildings shall also <br />be subject to this requirement. <br />(e) Front yards on through lots: On through lots, the minimum front <br />yards for the respective districts shall apply wherever such lots <br />have frontage on a public street. <br />(f) Projection of sills, eaves, etc. into required yards: Every part of <br />a required yard shall be open and unobstructed from its lowest <br />level to the sky, except for the ordinary projections of sills, belt <br />courses, chimneys, flues, buttresses, ornamental features, and <br />eaves, provided, however, that none of the aforesaid projections <br />shall project into a minimum side yard more than twenty-four (24) <br />inches. <br />(g) Projection of fire escapes, etc. into required yards: Open or <br />lattice enclosed fire escapes, fireproof outside stairways, and <br />balconies opening upon fire towers, projecting into a minimum yard <br />not more than four (4) feet, shall be permitted where so placed as <br />not to obstruct light and ventilation. <br />48 <br />