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® ~ooK 13 PnE 168 <br />That the transportation of all Low-Level Radioactive Material <br />be confined to the Interstate Highway System <br />Grant the City of Sanford $2,825,000 to make improvements to <br />the City's water system to protect the water supply of <br />Sanford/Lee County and surrounding communities through the <br />construction of a 60 million gallon reservoir, relocation of <br />the water intake valve, diversion ditch and the installation of <br />monitoring equipment with the express purpose of monitoring <br />radioactivity. <br />Grant annual appropriations for maintaining an effective <br />monitoring and safety program, for ourselves as well as <br />water users, cities, towns and counties downstream. <br />Grant Lee County $176,200 to establish a 11HAZ MAT TEAM'' <br />in order to provide for immediate response to any radioactive <br />waste spill within Lee County and contain the spill if <br />possible. <br />Commissioner Cox seconded the motion and upon a vote the results <br />were as follows: <br />Aye: Cox, Dossenbach, Matthews, Stafford and Wicker <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the resolution had been unanimously adopted. <br />Mr. Bob Joyce, Director Economic Development, appeared before <br />the Board and reported that the Water Committee met on June llth and <br />recommended the employment of an engineer to complete a preliminary <br />engineering report for Farmers Home Administration at a cost of <br />$1500. The committee also recommended a water extension to Doe Run <br />Subdivision consistent with County policy stipulating that the line <br />be extended to the far property line as originally platted. <br />4 <br />