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eoo~ 13 260 <br />Mrs. Adams advised that the Triangle Housing Development <br />Corporation was formed as a corporation in the late 701s. In <br />1973 housing was a service that was offered by Triangle J <br />Council of Governments. They served all the counties in the <br />region. They started financing through HUD and Farmers Home, <br />but there was a problem that HUD and Farmers Home would not fund <br />a Regional Organization directly. The staff housing component <br />of Triangle J COG formed a charter and by-laws and formed a <br />separate identity through which they could channel that money in <br />through the COG to provide their housing programs to the region. <br />After a short time they saw this wasn't working and so the staff <br />started their own private non-profit corporation and spun off <br />from Triangle J. The reason they did this was they had some <br />problems with Triangle J taking too much of their administrative <br />money. After they formed their corporation they hired a <br />manager. The Manager has now been running the housing project <br />for 10 years. The Board has been rather non-functional. Mr. <br />Daye, The Chairman, sees a need for the Board to be a function <br />board, so last year he started a project to re-draft the by-laws <br />and to get the Board operating again. <br />There was general discussion on the Triangle Housing <br />Development Corporation and on The Triangle J Council of <br />Governments, but no action was taken. Commissioner Cox thanked <br />Mrs. Adams for her assistance and commended her for her <br />efforts. <br />The County Manager distributed copies of the Budget <br />Ordinance for Fiscal Year 1990-91 which reflects all the changes <br />as directed by the Board during the budget deliberations over <br />the past three weeks. <br />Commissioner Cox moved to amend the Budget Ordinance to <br />increase the amount to the Temple Theater. The motion failed <br />due to a lack of a second. <br />Commissioner Stafford moved the adoption of the following: <br />4 <br />