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RooK 13 Pnr'r 2960 <br />1160 (Lemon Springs Road) - 0.20 mile Estimated Cost - $19,000 <br />PRIORITY 14 Grade, drain, base, pave & provide erosion <br />control SR 1386, (Jones Road) from SR 1303 (Center Church Road) <br />to DE - 0.50 mile Estimated Cost - $35,000 <br />BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the Division of Highways of the <br />Department of Transportation proceed with these projects as far <br />as the secondary road allocations for Fiscal year 1990-91 will <br />allow. <br />Commissioner Matthews seconded the motion and upon a vote <br />the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Cox, Dossenbach, Matthews, Stafford and Wicker <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the resolution was adopted unanimously. <br />Commissioner Matthews reported that she attended the Fire <br />Association Meeting last Wednesday and they voted unanimously to <br />buy a Fire Station House at a cost of $18,000. She advised this <br />will be taken to schools, fairs, etc. Several counties have <br />purchased a Fire Station House and are very pleased with it. <br />They plan to ask for contributions and pledges for this purchase. <br />After it is purchased, they would like to turn it over to the <br />County as County property and have the County provide the <br />insurance. The County Manager advised it would cost <br />approximately $600 to $700 for insurance. <br />Commissioner Matthews moved to accept the Fire Station <br />House, if it is acquired, as County property and to pay for the <br />insurance on it. Commissioner Stafford seconded the motion and <br />upon a vote the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Cox, Dossenbach, Matthews, Stafford and Wicker <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion carried unanimously. <br />The Clerk of the Board of Commissioners placed before the <br />Board of Commissioners a Certificate of Canvass of the Lee County <br />Board of Elections certifying to the Board of Commissioners the <br />results of the Special Election held for the County of Lee on May <br />8, 1990. The Certificate was read and considered. <br />Commissioner Stafford moved the adoption of the following <br />resolution: <br />WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners has <br />Certificate of Canvass of the Lee County Boar, <br />canvassing the referendum held for the County <br />1990 and certifying the result thereof to the <br />Commissioners and has canvassed the result of <br />Election; NOW, THEREFORE, <br />considered the <br />3 of Elections <br />of Lee on May 8, <br />Board of <br />said Special <br />6 <br />