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13 ^~S 293 <br />Manager advised that proposals for signs for t{e Lee County <br />Government Center were requested from Powers Sign Company of <br />Danville, Va., Andco of Greensboro, Signage Industries of <br />Archdale and R. P. Architectural Signage of Charlotte. The low <br />bid was Andco with a bid of $8,096. Andco has done a lot of <br />signs in this area including Lee County Industrial Park. The <br />County Manager showed the Board drawings prepared by Andco. Mr. <br />Cowan advised that the sign that covers the old "Lee County <br />Hospital" sign was not included in the original bid due to an <br />error. The Finance officer reported that she has obtained two <br />different figures from Andco this morning for that sign. One is <br />a 1/8 inch for $978 and the other a 2 inch which is a raised <br />block for $1603. The Board looked at the drawings and discussed <br />them at length. After discussion, Commissioner Cox moved to <br />authorize the County Manager to purchase the signs for the Lee <br />County Government Center. Commissioner Matthews seconded the <br />motion and upon a vote the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Cox, Dossenbach, Matthews, Stafford and Wicker <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion carried unanimously. <br />The County Manager was instructed to not purchase new flag <br />poles, but to move the two that are at the entrance to the <br />Wilrik Building to Hillcrest. <br />Commissioner Matthews nominated Mrs. Diane Lamb <br />to serve for a two year term on the Personnel Board replacing <br />Mrs. Fields who resigned her position. Commissioner Stafford <br />seconded the motion and upon a vote the results were as <br />follows: <br />Aye: Cox, Dossenbach, Matthews, Stafford and Wicker <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion carried unanimously. <br />Mrs. Alice Griffin, member of the Senior Citizens Advisory <br />Board, was recognized. Mrs. Griffin reported that the Advisory <br />Board voted to recommend Mr. David Polston of Wilmington, NC as <br />the architect for the new senior center project. Mr. Polston <br />has designed senior centers and other environments for older <br />adults and has previously worked as a consultant with the <br />Department For The Aging. Mr. Polston's proposed architectural <br />fee is 5%. Commissioner Dossenbach moved to hire Mr. Polston as <br />the architect of record. Commissioner Cox seconded the motion. <br />The Chairman opened the floor for discussion. Commissioner <br />Stafford asked if any consideration was given to local people. <br />Mrs. Griffin advised that she is not sure whether the committee <br />has checked with anyone else. Mr. Albert Ankron was recognized <br />and advised that there has not been any checking at all as far <br />as a commitment is concerned. They have had a lot of support <br />from Mr. Polston through the planning stage and he has done <br />something like 100 senior centers. Commissioner Stafford asked <br />3 <br />