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4D gov 13 Ptv 3i0 a <br />those. Commissioner Stafford asked how it compared with the <br />budget. Mr. Johnson reported it was about $5,000.00 less than <br />what was budgeted. <br />Commissioner Dossenbach advised that he could not vote on <br />awarding a bid when only one bid was received. Commissioner <br />Stafford asked if you were required to have three bids. The <br />County Manager advised that, under equipment in excess of <br />$20,000.00, you are required to advertise for bids. You can <br />receive as few as one bid and award it based on that one bid. <br />The only other option would be to reject the bid and authorize a <br />re-advertisement. Commissioner Cox expressed his concern that <br />we may not be aggressive enough in securing bids. Discussion <br />followed on other types of equipment that could be used and what <br />kind of system other counties are using. <br />Commissioner Stafford asked how long the bid will remain <br />open. Mr. Johnson advised that the bids were accepted on July <br />31st and will remain open for 30 days. The Board discussed the <br />matter at length, but no formal action was taken. The County <br />Manager was asked to research the issue and find if there are <br />other options available and to see if he could receive an <br />extension on the time. <br />The Board then observed a short recess. Following the <br />recess, the Board convened with all four members present. <br />Mr. Donn Gundeson, Director Social Services, appeared <br />before the Board and requested authorization to enter into a <br />lease with Lee County Industries, Inc. for a 28 passenger bus. <br />The bus would be used to transport job recipients in the <br />federally required welfare reform program which will begin <br />October 1st. His Department will be working with the Community <br />College to determine how many classes will be needed. There are <br />202 recipients in this program and transportation is one of the <br />biggest problems. The use of this bus has been endorsed by the <br />Social Services Board. Funds have been budgeted for gas, oil <br />and maintenance of the vehicle. The County's share would be <br />7.5%. Mr. Johnson, Public Works Director, examined the bus and <br />advised that it is in pretty good shape. It needs complete <br />service on the transmission and four rear tires, but other than <br />that it appears to be in good shape. <br />Commissioner Cox asked if the school's transportation <br />system does not have busses to provide transportation. Mr. <br />Gunderson advised they they do and that has been discussed, but <br />they would want the County to pay for repairs, maintenance and <br />insurance. Commissioner Dossenbach asked for the County <br />Manager's recommendation. Mr. Cowan advised that he had asked <br />Mr. Gunderson and Mrs. Adams, Director, Department for the <br />Aging, about the possibility of the County's leasing this bus <br />based on Mrs. Adams studying routes which could possibly <br />supplement her current transportation program. They have not <br />had the opportunity to project location of clients because the <br />program is not beginning until October 1st. <br />7 <br />