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gooK ~-3 ~r,s~ ~i'-} <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been unanimously adopted and <br />the public hearing was open. <br />Mr. Leonard Barefoot, Director Planning, was recognized. Mr. <br />Barefoot advised the Board that a petition had been received from <br />Jerry and Judith Nance to rezone 14.45 acres of land from <br />Residential-Agriculture to Highway Commercial District. The <br />property is bounded by U.S. Hwy. 1, Deep River Road and the Deep <br />River. The Chairman opened the floor to all persons who wanted to <br />speak on the rezoning. <br />Ms. Mary Stephens, representing the Sanford Area Chamber of <br />Commerce Beautification Subcommittee, advised their committee <br />supports the land use recommendation for this property as adopted in <br />1988. Due to its historical significance, they endorse the present <br />zoning of residential-agriculture. <br />Ms. Laura Young of Deep River spoke in favor of keeping the <br />property residential-agriculture. In the Land Use Plan the area was <br />targeted for residential development. The use of Highway Commercial <br />would not be compatible with residential development and could have <br />a negative affect on traffic patterns in the area. Also, some of <br />the uses in Highway Commercial may threaten the quality of the Deep <br />River. Lastly, rezoning would establish a precedent for areas along <br />the River and in the Flood Plan that would not be in accordance with <br />the Land Use Plan or the Zoning Ordinance. <br />Mrs. Judith Nance advised that they were approached by the <br />Family Parks Association about the possibility of using this <br />property for camping. A campground and a restaurant is what they <br />are planning for the area. She showed the location of the proposed <br />restaurant on a drawing and advised there had not been any flooding <br />in that area. <br />Ms. Young asked if there is a specific use in mind for the <br />property, shouldn't that, according to the Zoning Ordinance, be a <br />conditional use permit and not a rezoning of the property. Mr. <br />Barefoot advised that the Zoning Ordinance allows two methods for <br />changing the use of property. One is to rezone to another category <br />which is the request on this property. The Ordinance also allows a <br />person to petition to rezone property to a Conditional Use District <br />which parallels the District. In this particular case it could be <br />Highway Commercial or CUD District. In that situation, the <br />developer's rezoning request is conditional on the particular use <br />which he brings to the Board and is bound to that particular use and <br />no other. <br />After the Board of Commissioners had heard all persons who <br />requested to be heard on the rezoning, Commissioner Stafford moved <br />that the Public Hearing be closed. The motion was seconded by <br />Commissioner Cox and was unanimously adopted. <br />Mr. Barefoot advised that the Planning Board will make a <br />recommendation to the Board in two weeks. <br />3 <br />