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?.00 ( 13 pn'r tj23 <br />i. <br />Crisis Support and Emergency Food Pantry Boards. <br />Representatives of both Boards support this merger. They are <br />requesting that the Board of Commissioners approve the creation <br />of a nine member board consisting of four members from each <br />presently existing body and the addition of one other <br />individual. The board discussed the proposal at length. After <br />discussion, Commissioner Dossenbach moved to approve the merger <br />concept and to consider appointments to this Board at the next <br />meeting. Commissioner Cox seconded the motion and upon a vote <br />the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Cox, Dossenbach, Stafford and Wicker <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion carried unanimously. <br />The County Manager referred to the Minutes of the Emergency <br />Medical Services under Reports/Information on the agenda. He <br />reported that he attended this meeting which was chaired by <br />Commissioner Dossenbach. One item that has been pending for <br />some time is the contract between the Sanford-Lee County <br />Volunteer Rescue Squad and Lee County. The Rescue Squad had <br />requested, some time ago, that we certify that they operate <br />pursuant to G.S. 153A-250. This request was referred to the <br />County Attorney. Mr. Hoyle advised that this is certifying that <br />this organization has a contract with the County. The EMS Board <br />revised the contract, making some minor changes and approved it <br />at their meeting on August 6. <br />After discussion, the Board agreed to table this matter <br />until the next meeting. <br />The County Manager reported that all the funeral homes in <br />the area were contacted and asked if they were interested in two <br />pieces of equipment, a table and refrigeration unit, that need <br />to be removed from the first floor of the old hospital building <br />which is being renovated. A bid was submitted from <br />Rogers-Pickard Funeral Home in the amount of $450.00 for both <br />pieces. This was the only bid received. Commissioner <br />Dossenbach moved for adoption of the following resolution: <br />WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners for the County of Lee <br />desires to dispose of certain surplus property of the County; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of <br />Commissioners for the County of Lee that: <br />1. The following described property is hereby declared to <br />be surplus to the needs of the County: <br />1. Refrigeration Unit <br />2. Autopsy Table <br />The County Manager is authorized to dispose of the <br />described property by private sale at a negotiated price. <br />11 <br />