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EOOk 13 pn'[ "3i <br />contracts. The Attorney has requested a rate i7rcrease from <br />$45.00 per hour to $60.00 per hour which is the maximum rate <br />currently reimbursable under State regulations. Commissioner <br />Dossenbach advised that the Social Services Board has approved <br />the contract. <br />Commissioner Dossenbach moved that the contract be approved. <br />Commissioner Matthews seconded the motion and upon a vote the <br />results were as follows: <br />Aye: Cox, Dossenbach, Matthews, Stafford and Wicker <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Gunderson then presented a Resolution concerning the <br />Alexander vs Flaherty Settlement Agreement. Commissioner <br />Dossenbach moved for adoption of the following resolution: <br />To all who shall see these PRESENTS and in the future hear <br />these presentations, let it be known that the Department of <br />Social Services of Lee County, its staff, the Lee County Board of <br />Social Services and the Lee County Board of Commissioners, join <br />with their peers from the other counties of the state in this <br />resolution. Let it be known that the undersigned do hereby <br />subscribe to the theory that the ALEXANDER VS. FLAHERTY <br />SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT and the previous related ALEXANDER Court <br />Orders and Settlement Agreement have placed unobtainable demands <br />on the professional staff of Social Services; thereby placing <br />undue pressure on the service providers which in turn creates a <br />hardship on Lee County citizens who need assistance. <br />BELIEVING that the SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT and various <br />previous court orders have placed upon counties procedural and <br />policy requirements that exceed the requirements of federal <br />regulation and law; and <br />BELIEVING that the SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT prevents staff from <br />advising applicants on various application options beneficial to <br />the applicant lest they be accused of discouragement; and <br />BELIEVING that program policies derived from Alexander vs. <br />Flaherty Court Orders, consent judgements and settlement <br />agreements have taken the caring human element out of serving Lee <br />County citizens and in fact, have caused the application process <br />to be cumbersome and inefficient; and <br />BELIEVING that the penalty/sanction arrangement of having <br />the County pay 100% of levied fines and sanctions when the State <br />supervises counties, the State writes and interprets program <br />policy for county staff, the State is responsible for training <br />county staff on program policies, the State has failed to set <br />minimum caseload sizes and when the State provides little funding <br />for public assistance administrative costs is unfair; and <br />3 <br />