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2006 - <br />LEE COUNTY <br />© O04© (3(Jt30 I a 0 C51 <br />. Committed Today for a Better Tomorrow <br />RESOLUTION <br />TO SECURE <br />ALTERNATIVE REVENUE OPTIONS <br />WHEREAS, Lee County has increasing demands for capital improvements for Lee County <br />Public Schools; and <br />WHEREAS, Lee County, with a US Census Bureau certified population of 55,704, is ranked as <br />the 14` fastest growing county in the State; and <br />WHEREAS, in recent years Lee County has sold general obligation bonds and issued <br />Certificates of Participation (COPS) to pay for school construction and has a total outstanding <br />debt of over $34 million for school projects; and <br />WHEREAS, requested school system capital needs represent over $60 million over the next 5 <br />years; and <br />WHEREAS, under the current local revenue system, the ad valorem property tax is the only <br />significant revenue source of which the County has discretionary control; and <br />• WHEREAS, the General Assembly has seen fit to allow alternative revenue options to some <br />Counties that are not available to all: and <br />WHEREAS, Lee County seeks to broaden and diversify the county revenue base to include <br />additional revenue options to satisfy our vast and varied fiscal responsibilities that are subject to <br />economic change. <br />NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Lee County Board of Commissioners desires <br />to secure the following revenue options to assist with funding for school construction needs: <br />1. Up to One -Cent Additional Local Government Sales and Use Tax <br />2. Local Government Impact Tax <br />3. Local Government Meals Tax <br />4. Local Government Land Transfer Tax <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Lee County Board of Commissioners requests that the <br />legislative delegation representing Lee County strongly advocate for the above revenues <br />sources during the present session of the General Assembly. <br />Adopted this 1s`_day-of May 2006. <br />ATTEST: <br />ayn ' I M. Lee, Clerk <br />Herbert A. Hincks, Chairman <br />