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as January 7, 1991, allowing construction to begin as early as the <br />middle of or the end of February. <br />Commissioner Cox moved that the Board accept the petition. A <br />copy of this petition is attached to these minutes, and by this <br />reference, made a part thereof. Commissioner Matthews seconded the <br />motion, and upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Cox, Dossenbach, Matthews, Stafford, and Wicker <br />Nay: None <br />Chairman Wicker ruled the motion carried unanimously. <br />County Manager Cowan presented a report on the status of the <br />Lee County Aging Program funding. Reference was made to a letter <br />dated October 18, 1990, from Bonnie M. Cramer of the North Carolina <br />Department of Human Resources, Division of Aging in response to a <br />letter dated September 4, 1990, from the County Managers of Lee, <br />Moore, Harnett, and Johnston Counties. The letter to the State was <br />a request for advice on how the four counties could initiate our own <br />non-profit Triple A. Four policy issues were emphasized. Funding <br />formulas would not change. Lee County would not receive any <br />additional funding as new monies become available, but the County <br />would not receive any less money. Secondly, the Division's policy, <br />which has been supported by the League Regional Organization <br />Directors, is that, regardless of county membership, Area Agencies <br />on Aging must provide aging services equitably to all counties <br />within the planning/service area. Thirdly, local match for <br />administration above a minimum amount may be negotiated by the Area <br />Agency and the County. Aging program services must be provided to <br />all counties within the planning/service area if the minimum local <br />match requirement is met, which is about $9,500.00 for Lee County. <br />On the fourth matter of this letter, Mr. Cowan presented Ms. Pam <br />Adams, Director of the Department for the Aging, to speak on this <br />issue. <br />Ms. Adams stated that the fourth item in this letter was to <br />inform the County Managers that the Division of Aging is <br />planning to propose that each county appoint a League Agency on <br />the Aging, recommending also that the counties have more <br />autonomy over their aging funds in regard to planning and <br />implementing the program. Therefore, the power shift will move <br />from the regional level to the local level. Ms. Adams stated <br />that presently the County has no representation for aging <br />services at the Council of Governments Board of Delegates <br />meeting, of which we are no longer a member. However, the <br />County should still be represented at the COG Board of Delegates <br />when aging issues are voted upon. <br />Mr. Cowan stated that the regional organizations need to <br />develop an avenue for non-member representatives to vote on <br />aging issues. Commisisoner Cox suggested that the matter of <br />representation be investigated further for the Board's <br />consideration in the future. <br />8 <br />