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i~ODR r,,rT ~i <br />A mobile home is a double-wide home with a pitched roof, permanent <br />masonry foundation, with the tongue and axle removed. A Class B <br />home is any mobile home built after 1975 which does not meet Class A <br />standards. A Class C home is any mobile home built prior to 1975. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Winfred Tysor stated that they oppose the request <br />which would allow a mobile home to be placed on the property <br />adjacent to theirs. Mrs. Tysor indicated that they have built a new <br />home and the tax valuation on their property will depreciate if a <br />mobile home is placed on the adjacent property. The property in <br />question was checked by the Health Department for the Tysors , who <br />were interested in purchasing it. The Health Department indicated <br />at that time that the land would not perk. <br />Mr. Womble indicated that the property did perk for the Health <br />Department, but,the Health Department indicated that a pump may have <br />to be utilized for the sewage. <br />Mrs. Tysor presented a petition from other residents in the <br />area opposing the request. <br />Mr. Barefoot informed the Board that the fourth request has <br />been withdrawn. After hearing from all persons wishing to speak for <br />or against the requests, Commissioner Matthews moved that the public <br />hearing be closed. Commissioner Stafford seconded the motion, and <br />upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Cox, Dossenbach, Matthews, Stafford, and Wicker <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been unanimously adopted. <br />Commisisoner Stafford stated that on pages 12, 13, 14, 15, and <br />16 of the minutes of the November 5, 1990 meeting areas of <br />discussion were deleted. He recommended tabling acceptance of the <br />minutes until the December 3, 1990 meeting, allowing time for these <br />deletions to be incorporated into the minutes. <br />Commissioner Cox stated that Commissioner Dossenbach will no <br />longer be on the Board at the December 3rd meeting, and therefore, <br />will be unable to approve minutes from a meeting in which he was <br />involved. Commissioner Cox asked if the deletions involved anything <br />that Commissioner Dossenbach may have said. Commissioner Stafford <br />indicated that the additions to the minutes would not affect <br />Commissioner Dossenbach's responses or change any action taken at <br />the meeting. <br />Commissioner Stafford moved to table approval of the minutes of <br />the November 5, 1990 meeting until December 3, 1990, to allow the <br />clerk time to incorporate these additions into the minutes. <br />Commissioner Cox seconded the motion, and upon a vote, the results <br />were as follows: <br />Aye: Cox, Dossenbach, Matthews, Stafford, and Wicker <br />Nay: None <br />4 <br />