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Ht <br />no0 113 F, =4;0 <br />0 <br />by the County. The Fire Department shall maintain a written <br />accounting system which provides adequate documentation of all of <br />its receipts and disbursements including those related to the <br />funds subject to this agreement. The Fire Department further <br />agrees to subject itself to the provisions of Article 33C of <br />Chapter 143 of the North Carolina General Statutes, entitled <br />"Meetings of Public Bodies" to the same extent as the County, for <br />the annual-meeting and meetings related to financial matters of <br />the Department. <br />8. The Fire Department shall have available an audit report <br />performed annually by a certified public accountant of all its <br />funds, and as soon as such auditor's report becomes available to <br />the Fire Department, a copy shall be submitted to the County <br />Finance Officer. <br />9. In the event of dissolution of the Fire Department, or <br />the Fire Department's failure to continue to render the <br />protection and services to the District as provided in this <br />agreement, the Fire Department agrees that it will convey to the <br />County or to such successor organization as the County may <br />designate all of the assets of the Fire Department subject to any <br />liens against said property, to be used for providing fire <br />protection within the District or as otherwise provided by law. <br />10. The Fire Department further agrees to file with the <br />County Finance Officer a true copy of its Articles of <br />Incorporation, existing By-laws, and any changes made thereto <br />from time to time. In addition to meeting all minimum legal <br />requirements for non-profit corporations under the laws of the <br />State of North Carolina, the Fire Department agrees to adopt and <br />keep in force By-laws which contain reasonable provisions <br />enabling residents and owners of property within the District to <br />participate in the affairs of the corporation by periodic <br />selection of directors vested with the authority to actively <br />manage the affairs of the corporation. <br />11. The Fire Department shall use the funds subject to this <br />agreement in accordance with the annual Budget of the funds which <br />is approved and adopted by the Board of Commissioners, which is <br />incorporated automatically herein by reference each year. No <br />change or alteration in the amount of the total Budget may be <br />made without the express approval of the Board of Commissioners. <br />The Fire Department shall discharge its obligations in a timely <br />manner. <br />