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BDO 13 <br />For each fiscal year, the funds estimated to be provided from the <br />special tax shall be based on the needs projected in the budget <br />estimate jointly submitted by the Fire Department and the County <br />staff to the County Commissioners and as approved by and deemed <br />necessary by the County Commissioners for furnishing fire and <br />rescue protection services within the District. <br />2. A special or separate fund shall be maintained by the <br />County for funds collected as a result of said special tax. <br />3. The funds derived from the special tax levied, to the <br />extent they are collected by the County, shall be paid to the <br />Fire Department within the fiscal year as agreed to by the Fire <br />Department and the Lee County Manager. Beginning July 1, 1991, <br />payments shall not exceed the net amount of funds collected <br />(after deducting 3% to cover expenses for administration and <br />workmen's compensation) from the special tax for fire protection <br />in the District and shall not exceed the amount budgeted by the <br />Board of Commissioners of Lee County in the particular fiscal <br />year for fire protection within the District. <br />4. Lee County shall provide workman's compensation <br />insurance coverage applicable to all Fire Department personnel, <br />regardless of status, at least to the extent required by law. <br />5. The Fire Department shall furnish adequate fire <br />protection within the District and shall provide the necessary <br />equipment, personnel, water and all things necessary for <br />furnishing adequate fire protection in the District. The <br />services shall be in accordance with minimum standards set forth <br />by the North Carolina Department of Insurance, Fire and Rescue <br />Division. The Fire Department shall furnish said fire protection <br />without charge to all persons and property located in the <br />District in an efficient and workmanlike manner. <br />6. All funds paid to the Fire Department by the County <br />shall be used exclusively to provide fire protection within the <br />West Sanford Fire District of Lee County. This does not preclude <br />mutual aid agreements. <br />7. The County may inspect all the books and records of the <br />Fire Department at any time it shall desire. The Fire Department <br />shall further provide such additional information as the County <br />may reasonably request from time to time. The Fire Department <br />agrees that it will supply such records, information or <br />verification relating to expenditures of the funds or the <br />operations of the Fire Department as may reasonably be requested <br />