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0 pov~ 13 pt;,~ 50: <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Barefoot reported that the Planning Board recommended <br />by a five to one majority vote (one member abstained from the <br />vote) that the Board of Commissioners approve a portion of the <br />Thomas E. Barrett request to change the zoning classification of <br />15.41 acres of land located on the northern side of Amos Bridges <br />Road, beginning at its intersection with Little Buffalo Creek, <br />from Residential Agricultural District to Light Industrial <br />District. The Board notes that there is a mix of zoning along <br />Amos Bridges Road with large tracts of land within the County's <br />jurisdiction zoned industrial and areas south and east of the <br />property zoned residential. The only opposition to the request <br />was a single residential property owner who abuts the property. <br />The reduction of 15.41 acres to 6.0 acres in the request would <br />provide an extensive buffer between the existing residential <br />structure and the light industrial use. According to the <br />petitioner's agent, the petitioner plans to construct a <br />residential dwelling on the property which will provide <br />additional buffering. The Planning Board recommends that the <br />back portion of the property consisting of 7.42 acres, <br />identified on a survey map of the property by a line beginning <br />approximately 250 feet north of the northeast corner of the <br />property and going parallel in a westerly direction to the <br />western boundary line, be rezoned to Light Industrial District. <br />Commissioner Wicker moved to sustain the majority vote of <br />the Planning Board and approve the rezoning request. <br />Commissioner Reives seconded the motion, and upon a vote, the <br />results were as follows: <br />Aye: Cox, Hall, Matthews, Paschal, Reives, Stafford, and <br />Wicker <br />Nay: None <br />Mr. Barefoot reported that the Planning Board recommended <br />that the Board of Commissioners deny the request by Gerald Womble <br />for Womble and Womble Investments to change the zoning <br />classification of 4.52 acres of land located on the eastern side <br />of Cumnock Road beginning 80 feet south of the intersection of <br />Cumnock Road and Cotten Road from Residential Restricted District <br />to Residential Agricultural Conditional Use District for the <br />location of single-wide manufactured home. The property along <br />both sides of Cumnock Road is zoned Residential Restricted. The <br />Board agreed with adjacent property owners that the addition of a <br />single-wide manufactured home unit would not be consistent with <br />the housing types in the area. <br />Commissioner Wicker moved to sustain the majority vote of <br />the Planning Board and deny the zoning classification request. <br />Commissioner Reives seconded the motion, and upon a vote, the <br />results were as follows: <br />