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9 a60x 13 rrsc SJO 0 <br />for the average farmer to purchase for the amount of time he <br />would use them. The pan and blower can be used with a 50 to 60 <br />horsepower tractor. <br />Commissioner Wicker asked how many farmers have used the <br />equipment purchased two years ago. <br />Mr. Tommy Brooks, District Soil Technician, stated that the <br />drill has been rented by fifty to seventy-five farmers, some <br />having rented the drill several times. <br />Commissioner Cox inquired about local equipment companies <br />renting these pieces of equipment to farmers. Mr. Matthews <br />stated that this option has been investigated. No local company <br />is interested in purchasing the soil mover, because it would not <br />produce much revenue; the straw blower would probably rent <br />mainly to area landscaping businesses. <br />Chairman Stafford asked Mrs. Fields about the status of <br />receipts for the drill. Mrs. Fields stated that the Finance <br />Department's figures reflect receipts plus expenses, indicating <br />a balance of $286.00 remaining from the initial cost of the <br />equipment. <br />Chairman Stafford inquired about the liabilities involved. <br />The County Manager stated that the County would own the <br />equipment. If the equipment was faulty due to negligence by the <br />County, the County would be liable for any injury caused by <br />this. <br />Chairman Stafford asked if the $30.00 rental fee adequately <br />covers insurance and maintenance expenses and what time period <br />is anticipated to pay for this equipment via rental fees. Mrs. <br />Fields stated that it is difficult to determine whether this fee <br />is adequate. Mr. Matthews stated that in less than two years, <br />rental fees, including rent for the drill, should pay for the <br />cost of these two pieces of equipment. <br />Commissioner Paschal asked if rental fees are based on <br />usage per acre or per day. Mr. Matthews indicated that rent <br />would probably be charged by the day. <br />Chairman Stafford asked where the equipment would be <br />stored. Mr. Matthews stated that Holt Truck and Tractor Company <br />would store the equipment. <br />Commissioner Hall asked who would ultimately pay to have <br />these seventy acres of farmland in compliance with the Farm Bill <br />if the County does not purchase this equipment. Mr. Matthews <br />stated that the farmers would be responsible for complying with <br />the law. <br />Commissioner Matthews asked how much has been spent on <br />repairs to the drill. Mr. Brooks stated that approximately <br />6 <br />