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0 6ooY 13 ?-nE -458 <br />Chairman Stafford called for the election of a <br />Vice-chairman. Commissioner Hall moved that Commissioner Wicker <br />be elected as Vice-chairman. Commissioner Reives seconded the <br />motion, and upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Cox, Hall, Matthews, Paschal, Reives, Stafford, and <br />Wicker <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion carried unanimously. <br />Chairman Stafford then requested permission to make a <br />statement. His remarks were as follows: <br />"I would first like to thank my colleagues for your support <br />in electing me Chairman of this Board for the upcoming year. I <br />also would like to welcome Mr. Paschal, Mr. Reives, and Mr. <br />Hall. I look forward to a smooth transition from a five to <br />seven member Board of Commissioners. With the increased demand <br />placed upon public service, I believe that a seven member Board <br />more adequately assures equal representation. <br />I am sure that Mrs. Matthews and Mr. Cox would join me in <br />thanking Mr. Wicker for his leadership during the past twelve <br />months, during which several major accomplishments were made. <br />Some of these include: installation and implementation of an <br />enhanced emergency 911 system in Lee County, the adoption of a <br />water extension policy, a countywide zoning ordinance, the <br />opening of this area's first solid waste recycling center, and <br />many others. Truly, your leadership, Mr. Wicker, gave Lee <br />County direction on many fronts. <br />The upcoming year will be full of challenges for this <br />Board. Most importantly, we must review our budget with a <br />critical eye with an intense commitment to insure the best <br />possible use of each tax dollar. It would also be my hope that <br />this Board will review the 1989 report released by the Chamber <br />of Commerce suggesting that in several areas, such as inspection <br />departments, a collaborative effort between Sanford, Broadway, <br />and Lee County could prove beneficial. We also must deal with <br />proper waste management for the citizens of Lee County and with <br />several large construction projects which are already underway. <br />As this Board deals with these and other important challenges we <br />will face, I call on each of you to contribute to a unified <br />effort, focused on the best possible solutions for our county. <br />As Chairman, I will consistently strive to provide the <br />leadership necessary to achieve these goals. <br />I thank you for this opportunity, and I look forward to <br />working with each and every one of you." <br />Chairman Stafford recognized County Manager Cowan. Mr. <br />Cowan stated that the General Statute requires, upon the <br />reorganization of the Board, that the Board examine the bonds to <br />insure that adequate bonding of certain County officials is <br />4 <br />