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the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Cox, Hall, Matthews, Paschal, Reives, Stafford, and <br />Wicker <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion carried unanimously. <br />Chairman Stafford stated that at the next meeting, he will <br />assign representation from the Board for the various committees. <br />Each Commissioner was asked to contact him by December 10, if <br />they wish, of their special interest regarding the various boards <br />and committees to aid him in making these assignments. <br />Commissioner Cox referred to Item #12 of the Parks and <br />Recreation Department Quarterly Report of the agenda packet and <br />stated that he expressed his views regarding this matter when the <br />issue was brought before the Board. He requested the other <br />Commissioners' input before the next meeting regarding this <br />matter so that it may be discussed at greater length. <br />County Manager Cowan stated that a step needs to be <br />established for a Health Department employee, Madonna Goodwin, as <br />Public Health Nurse II. The position request is for step 3 of <br />salary grade 70, which is established by the State for a <br />competitive service employee. The Health Director has the <br />authority to appoint these officers. The Board of Commissioners <br />has the discretion of setting the salary from step 1 to step 14. <br />The County Manager's authority cannot exceed step 1. The <br />candidate in question has sixteen years of experience and was <br />previously employed with the Lee County Health Department. The <br />Board of Health reviewed this matter and voted to recommend to <br />the Board of Commissioners a salary of $27,293.00. <br />Commissioner Wicker moved to adopt the request as <br />recommended by the Board of Health. Commissioner Reives seconded <br />the motion, and upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Cox, Hall, Matthews, Paschal, Reives, Stafford, and <br />Wicker <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion carried unanimously. <br />Commissioner Wicker requested that Mr. Alex Gunn of The <br />Sanford Herald print a special article explaining the action of <br />the Commissioners regarding the failure to list cars with the Tax <br />Department. <br />Board. <br />Commissioner Cox welcomed the new Commissioners to the <br />Commissioner Hall reminded the Board that a vacancy has <br />been created on the Planning Board due to his becoming a <br />Commissioner. Chairman Stafford stated that this should be taken <br />10 <br />