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1990 - 12-17-90 Regular Meeting
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1990 - 12-17-90 Regular Meeting
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Last modified
4/15/2009 11:18:24 AM
Creation date
4/15/2009 11:17:43 AM
Document Type
Board of Commissioners
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The Chairman opened the floor to all persons who wanted to <br />speak on the request. <br />Mr. James 0. Russ presented to the Boards pictures of his <br />current dwelling, which he indicated is in very poor condition. Mr. <br />Russ stated that he has spoken with his neighbors about the request <br />and no one objects to his installing a mobile home on the property. <br />Concerns of the Planning Board were expressed about the length of <br />time involved in demolishing the existing dwelling and whether or <br />not a foundation would be built around the mobile home. <br />Mr. Russ stated that he would demolish the existing dwelling as <br />soon as he moved into the mobile home. The mobile home would be <br />underpinned with 6" block. <br />Mrs. Elgie Russ stated that she and her husband need a mobile <br />home due to the poor condition of their current dwelling. She <br />thanked the Boards for considering their request. <br />Mrs. Katie Petty, an adjoining property owner to the Russes, <br />stated that she is in favor of the Russes' request and does not <br />object to their locating a mobile home on the property. She stated <br />that the Russes are good neighbors and they desperately need the new <br />home. <br />There being no one else wishing to speak for or against the <br />request, Commissioner Cox moved that the public hearing be closed. <br />Commissioner Matthews seconded the motion, and upon a vote, the <br />results were as follows: <br />Aye: Cox, Hall, Matthews, Paschal, Reives, Stafford, and <br />Wicker <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion adopted unanimously. <br />The draft of the minutes for the regular meeting held on <br />December 3, 1990, were reviewed. Commissioner Wicker moved that <br />the draft of the minutes be adopted as the official minutes for said <br />meeting and that they be recorded. Commissioner Cox seconded the <br />motion, and upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Cox, Hall, Matthews, Paschal, Reives, Stafford, and <br />Wicker <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion adopted unanimously. <br />The Chairman distributed copies of the following <br />board/committee appointments: <br />Commissioner Stafford <br />Emergency Medical Services Board <br />Social Services Board <br />2 <br />
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