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0 poor; 13 ia,~ 583 <br />study will cost under $20,000.00. Mr. Barefoot stated that the <br />County needs to find out what grant funds are available, and <br />then it can seek local funds from the private sector. <br />Commissioner Hall moved to endorse the recommendation from <br />the Planning Board to seek grants and funding to study and <br />catalog natural and fragile areas in Lee County and to receive <br />matching funds locally from the private sector. <br />Commissioner Wicker stated that if the private sector <br />funding is stipulated in the motion, Lee County may not be <br />considered to receive funds. Lee County is ultimately <br />responsible for finding the matching funds locally, whether the <br />match is from the private or public sector. Commissioner Cox <br />stated that the proposal was presented that the County would <br />seek matching funds from the private sector. <br />Commissioner Paschal seconded the motion made by Mr. Hall, <br />and upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Cox, Hall, Matthews, Paschal, Reives, Stafford, and <br />Wicker <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion adopted unanimously. <br />Mr. Barefoot stated that the next item to be considered <br />was inadvertently left off the agenda. The Planning Board <br />considered a variance request from Elmer Southern and other <br />residents along Southern Road. Mr. Barefoot presented drawings <br />of the property in question. A portion of this property was <br />given to three children. He stated that William Southern <br />wishes to divide a two-acre tract from his property. The <br />Subdivision ordinance allows exceptions to the ordinance so <br />that up to three lots may be served by a 30' easement. <br />Developing more than three lots on a tract, is considered a <br />development, and should meet the Subdivision Ordinance <br />requirements. Lots averaging less than five acres in size are <br />required to meet the NC Department of Transportation road <br />standards. For lots averaging five acres and no lot being less <br />than three acres, the road can be built to a private road <br />standard. There are extenuating circumstances existing with <br />the property in question. Mr. Southern could have divided the <br />two-acre lot from his existing four-acre lot shown as Tract C <br />on the map, which is not the location he wishes to make the <br />division. Also, the mother of this family wishes to dedicate <br />the right-of-way for future use, because she recognizes that <br />the existing 14' paved road will be required to meet better <br />standards. Property cannot be dedicated to public right-of-way <br />without meeting the Subdivision ordinance standards. Several <br />residents of the Gatewood Subdivision and the Southerns met <br />with the Planning Department staff. The recommendation from <br />the meeting was that the map drawn by Bracken and Associates of <br />this property be corrected to show the division as a private <br />road division, allowing the two-acre lot and accepting the road <br />6 <br />