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QD eoo~.-, 13 rs 6 <br />District in order to locate a manufactured <br />Moncure Road. Commissioner Matthews moved <br />Planning Board's recommendation to approve <br />request. Commissioner Wicker seconded the <br />vote, the results were as follows: <br />L10 <br />home at 710 Lower <br />to adopt the <br />the rezoning <br />motion, and upon a <br />Aye: Cox, Hall, Matthews, Paschal, Reives, Stafford, and <br />Wicker <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted <br />unanimously. <br />Mr. Barefoot reported that the Planning Board also <br />deliberated the variance request for Southern Road and <br />presented the Planning Board's recommendation to approve a <br />final plat of the Southern Road Subdivision property. The <br />Planning Board's recommendation included a request to grant <br />variances from the Lee County Subdivision Ordinance <br />requirements. One variance would allow a two-acre lot to be <br />shown on the plat, and a second variance would allow the road <br />to be accepted in its existing condition. As part of the final <br />plat approval, a maintenance agreement has been executed <br />stating that adjacent property owners who are also served by <br />the road will participate in the ongoing maintenance of the <br />private road. After discussion, Commissioner Cox moved to <br />accept the Planning Board's recommendation of final plat <br />approval of the Southern Road Subdivision property. <br />Commissioner Matthews seconded the motion, and upon a vote, the <br />results were as follows: <br />Aye: Cox, Hall, Matthews, Paschal, Reives, Stafford, and <br />Wicker <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted <br />unanimously. <br />Chairman Stafford suggested that the regularly scheduled <br />meeting of March 18, 1991, of the Board of Commissioners be <br />cancelled since the Commissioners will be attending a NACo <br />Legislative Conference in Washington, DC, from March 16 to <br />March 19, 1991. It was the general consensus of the Board to <br />cancel the meeting and to schedule a special meeting if any <br />matters should arise that would need to come before the Board. <br />County Manager Cowan stated that there appears to be a <br />problem with the length of the minutes of the meetings. He <br />recognized County Attorney Hoyle, who served as Clerk to the <br />Board for several years, to address the matter. Mr. Hoyle <br />stated that according to Robert's Rules of Order, the minutes <br />of a body, other than a legislative group that publishes a <br />journal, is a record of what was done, not of what was said at <br />the meeting. Mr. Hoyle suggested that if a Commissioner has a <br />position on an issue upon which he or she wishes to expound, <br />5 <br />