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Environment, Health, and Natural Resources. It has been <br />proposed that LRMP continue providing its services through the <br />office of the Secretary of State. Following a brief <br />discussion, commissioner Wicker moved that the following <br />resolution be adopted: <br />WHEREAS, in 1978, the State of North Carolina General <br />Assembly recognized the need of local governments to modernize <br />their land records, and thereby founded the Land Records <br />Management Program (LRMP) to provide assistance in implementing <br />modernization of land records; and <br />WHEREAS, since that time, this assistance has been of <br />great value to approximately eighty (80) counties, causing <br />North Carolina to be in the forefront in our great nation in <br />the area of modernization of land records; and <br />WHEREAS, LRMP continues to this day its vital role of <br />providing unexcelled expertise to local governments in their <br />continuing quest for excellence; and <br />WHEREAS, some local governmental units have not initiated <br />land records management programs, but intend to do so soon, <br />which initiation will rely heavily upon LRMP for guidance, <br />while those units with land records management programs will <br />continue modernization, continuing to rely on LRMP; and <br />WHEREAS, the Department of <br />Resources proposes to drop LRMP <br />budget; therefore, <br />BE IT RESOLVED that the Lee <br />takes the position of supporting <br />continued funding for LRMP; and <br />Environment, Health and Natural <br />in the Governor's 1991-1992 <br />County Board of Commissioners <br />a budget for 1991-1992 with <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that LRMP be moved from the <br />Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources to the <br />office of the Secretary of State, this move contingent upon <br />acceptance by the Secretary of State, where we believe the <br />program, while very strong now, could be administered very <br />effectively. <br />Commissioner Reives seconded the motion, and upon a vote, <br />the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Cox, Hall, Matthews, Paschal, Reives, Stafford, and <br />Wicker <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the resolution had been adopted <br />unanimously. <br />Tax Administrator Crissman presented the tax releases and <br />refunds for the Board's consideration. A copy of this report <br />is attached to these minutes, and upon this reference, made a <br />4 <br />