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BOOK GL PNGE 680 <br />• Administrative and Employee Development - $158,950.00 with a local match of 15% <br />($23,843.00); and <br />• Capital - one mini van replacement, mobile radio, and three computer desk top <br />replacements - $32,260 with a 10% local match of $3,226 <br />Ms. Davidson stated the public hearing was published in The Sanford Herald on February 27, 2009, <br />both in English and Spanish. <br />At this time Chairman Hayes opened the advertised public hearing for this date and time. <br />Mr. Eugene Barufkin, 376 Kittery Point, Sanford, spoke and asked if more or less funding <br />would be received this year from last year. <br />No one present spoke in opposition to the proposed grant application. <br />Chairman Hayes closed the public hearing. <br />Commissioner Dalrymple moved to approve the FY 2009-2010 Community Transportation <br />Grant as presented. Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Dalrymple, Hayes, Kelly, Oldham, Paschal, Reives, and Shook <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />The Board considered an Elderly and Disabled Federal Grant Application for Transportation. <br />Senior Services Director Debbie Davidson told the Board that Senior Services was asking approval <br />to apply for new funding available through the Federal Transit Administration to improve and <br />enhance transportation services to elderly and disabled citizens. A Human Services Transportation <br />Plan was approved by the Lee County Transportation Advisory Board in March 2009 that <br />addressed the transportation needs of Lee County's citizens. This proposal is to offer a circular <br />route with scheduled stops and extended hours on Saturday to offer additional mobility options and <br />affordable transportation for Lee County residents. The application will be submitted to the North <br />Carolina Department of Transportation for consideration and submission to the Federal Transit <br />Administration for final approval. Ms. Davidson stated this was a competitive process for a two-year <br />grant cycle from July 1, 2009, through June 30, 2011, and would address the following funding <br />levels: <br />• Operating Expenses - $81,469 with a 50% local match of $40,735 (funds through the <br />Home and Community Care Block Grant allocated through the Senior Services <br />Department may be used as match; therefore, no additional funding from the County <br />will be required). These funds will cover salary for two drivers and vehicle operation <br />expenses for two years. <br />• Capital - One lift equipped vehicle, mobile radio, and insurance - $60,260 with a 10% <br />local match of $6,026. This match will be covered by contract payments and fares. <br />A public notice was placed in The Sanford Herald on March 6, 2009. <br />Chairman Hayes opened the public hearing. <br />The following spoke in favor of the grant application: <br />4 <br />