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BOOK 44 FIGt '706 <br />Priority/Emergency news releases require approval of the County Manager, or <br />designee, prior to release. Priority/Emergency news releases should be distributed <br />to all appropriate or affected internal staff and departments. These news releases <br />may also warrant main page website inclusion on the Intranet and Internet. <br />All news releases on the website should have an automatic removal date applied to <br />ensure outdated material doesn't remain posted. <br />B) Media Interaction <br />Media interaction includes such items as responding to questions and inquires from <br />the media and participating in interviews. <br />Media interaction for routine communications/issues may be handled by the <br />appropriate staff person without prior approval of the County Manager. Staff should <br />brief their supervisor after the media interaction. <br />Media interaction for significant communications/issues requires prior notification and <br />approval of the County Manager, or his designee, if at all possible. Staff is required <br />to brief the County Manager after the media interaction. <br />Regardless if the issue is routine or significant, staff members and department <br />directors should only discuss areas or programs for which they are responsible for or <br />have expertise in. <br />When communicating with the media, staff is reminded that they are acting on behalf <br />of the County and should conduct themselves professionally and avoid editorializing <br />as much as possible. Staff is expected to respond to the media as soon as possible <br />for routine communications/issues. For significant communications or issues <br />notification and approval of the County Manager, or designee, is required unless <br />public safety and welfare are in imminent danger as a result of a hazardous situation <br />that requires immediate action. If staff is not comfortable discussing the issue, is not <br />prepared with the proper information or is not a program in their area of <br />responsibility, it is acceptable and preferred to inform the media representative that <br />you will respond once you have all the information or you will notify the appropriate <br />staff and have that person respond to the media representative. <br />C) Public Records Request <br />Addressed under Public Record Requests: Policy and Procedures adopted by <br />the Board on July 21, 2008 (copy attached). <br />D) Public Information Materials <br />Public Information materials are items used to convey messages to the public. They <br />are divided into three categories: <br />1) Promotional Items - items created to carry a message about or to advertise <br />any County aspect or service. Such items include pens, pencils, rulers, <br />notepads, etc. <br />2) Collateral Items - text-based items created to carry a message about or to <br />advertise any County aspect or service. Such items include flyers, <br />brochures, pamphlets, newsletters, etc. <br />3) Promotional Messages - slogans, tag lines or other short summary <br />statements referring to any aspect of County government used on <br />promotional or collateral items. <br />3 <br />