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2008 - �J <br />a s L EE COUNTY <br />Committed Today for a Better Tomorrow <br />RESOLUTION IN OPPOSITION TO THE <br />PUBLIC SAFETY EMPLOYER - EMPLOYEE COOPERATION ACT OF 2007 <br />WHEREAS, H.R. 980/S. 2123 mandates the federalization of collective bargaining rights for <br />state and local public safety employees across the country; and <br />WHEREAS, H.R. 980/S. 2123, the Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA) will establish <br />guidelines and criteria for collective bargaining for all states to follow, and <br />WHEREAS, FLRA will review the collective bargaining agreements for each state and whether <br />these agreements meet its guidelines; and <br />WHEREAS, FLRA could decide that any state's current collective bargaining laws do not meet <br />its guidelines; and <br />WHEREAS, if the FLRA can find that a state does not meet compliance, it will be given a set <br />amount of time to comply with FLRA collective bargaining regulations; and <br />• WHEREAS, if the state does not comply by the deadline, the FLRA has the power to oversee <br />l all collective bargaining agreements within that state; and <br />WHEREAS, H.R. 980/S. 2123 would effectively federalize state and local government labor - <br />management relations and as a result, would make these goals harder to achieve, and <br />WHEREAS, H.R. 980/S. 2123 seeks to deprive state and local governments of the necessary <br />flexibility to manage their public safety operations in a manner that they choose, and <br />WHEREAS, by mandating a "one -size fits all" approach to labor- management relations, H.R. <br />980/S. 2123 ignores the fact that every jurisdiction has unique needs and therefore requires <br />the freedom to manage its public safety workforce in the manner they have determined to be <br />most effective. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, We, the Lee County Board of Commissioners, hereby oppose H.R. <br />980/S. 2123 and strongly encourage its Senators and Representatives to vote against it when <br />it comes up for a vote. <br />Adopted this 19`" day of May 2008. <br />ATTEST: <br />c a ;e, <br />Gaynell M. Lee, Clerk <br />Robert H. Brown, Chairman <br />Lee County Board of Commissioners <br />