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Resoluton - Mutual Aid for Animal Shelters
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Resoluton - Mutual Aid for Animal Shelters
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8/31/2011 2:29:39 PM
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8/31/2011 2:28:55 PM
Board of Commissioners
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2010 <br />• LEE COUNTY <br />Q000n aQO•ao© <br />Committed Today for a Better Tomorrow <br />RESOLUTION <br />FOR <br />MUTUAL AID OF ANIMAL SHELTERS <br />WHEREAS, there will be times when extraordinary circumstances, including declared states of <br />emergency, prevent the safe and effective operation of the Lee County Animal Shelter, while other <br />nearby counties may not be affected by the extraordinary circumstances and continue to operate their <br />animal shelters: and <br />WHEREAS, there will be times when extraordinary circumstances, including declared states of <br />emergency will prevent the safe and effective operation of animal shelters in nearby counties, while Lee <br />County may not be affected by the extraordinary circumstances and continue to operate its animal <br />shelter: and <br />WHEREAS, it would be mutually beneficial for Lee County and one or more nearby counties to be able <br />to evacuate animals from their respective animal shelters and transport and house them in another <br />county's animal shelter during extraordinary circumstances; and <br />• WHEREAS, North Carolina General Statute § 166A -10 authorizes the chief executive of each political <br />subdivision in the State, with the concurrence of the subdivision's governing body, to develop mutual <br />aid agreements for reciprocal emergency management aid and assistance; and <br />WHEREAS, federal law and Federal Emergency Management Agency Disaster Assistance Policy <br />9523.19 authorizes local governments that receive animal evacuees from areas declared a major <br />disaster or an emergency to seek reimbursement for eligible pet rescue, sheltering, and evacuation - <br />support costs and for local governments outside the designated disaster area to seek reimbursement <br />under mutual aid protocols. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Lee County Manager is authorized to approve mutual <br />aid agreements with as many counties as necessary and appropriate for the purposes of evacuating <br />and sheltering animals during extraordinary circumstances, including declared states of emergency, <br />said agreements to be developed and signed by the appropriate department heads of Lee County <br />Government, including, but not limited to the Director of the Health Department and the Director of <br />Emergency Services. <br />Adopted this 4`" day of October 2010. <br />A EST: R chard B. Hayes, Chairm <br />Lee County Board of Commissioners <br />• G y II M. Lee, ClerfC <br />
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