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LEE COUNTY <br />jN'� N tCA R - 0,,`L 1' N'``d` <br />Committed Today for a Better Tomorrow <br />RESOLUTION SUPPORTING PUBLIC EDUCATION IN LEE COUNTY <br />WHEREAS, the Lee County Board of Commissioners affirms that public education is <br />important to the welfare of our State and County; and <br />WHEREAS, the primary responsibility for funding public education in North Carolina has <br />historically been the function of State Government; and <br />WHEREAS, by Law the primary responsibility for funding public education in North Carolina <br />has been with the State; and <br />WHEREAS, the State of North Carolina has more flexible and diverse revenue raising <br />capabilities than its constituent counties; and <br />WHEREAS, Lee County, as with many other counties across the State, is operating in a <br />constrained fiscal environment; and <br />WHEREAS, actions taken by the North Carolina General Assembly will determine the future <br />accomplishments of our students and the success of public education across the State and in Lee <br />• County; <br />NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Lee County Board of Commissioners adopts <br />the following legislative agenda: <br />1. Support classrooms by protecting class size to optimize student learning and <br />continuing state funding for teachers and teacher assistants. <br />2. Support an increase in the number of charter schools under certain conditions. <br />3. Oppose efforts to pass on Worker's Compensation for teachers and state employees <br />to the local level. <br />4. Oppose efforts to pass on tort claims to the county level. <br />5. Support funds for school construction. <br />6. Continue the current arrangement for school bus purchases. <br />7. Reinstatement of lottery funds that were removed. <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Lee County Board of Commissioners calls on the Lee <br />County legislative delegation and all members of the North Carolina General Assembly to take the <br />actions necessary to accomplish this agenda. <br />Adopted this 18" day of April 2011. <br />AT LirYdo A. Shook, Chairman <br />Lee County Board of Commissioners <br />a n I M. Lee, Clerk <br />