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NOW, THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Lee County Board of <br />• Commissioners concludes that the most effective and efficient method of providing the <br />requested services to the Clearwater area by the proposed date is to establish two fire, <br />ambulance and rescue service districts within the territorial jurisdiction of the Cape Fear RFP <br />District, one for the Clearwater area and one for the remaining area of the existing Cape Fear <br />RFP District, as shown on the two attached GIS maps. <br />NOW, THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER REOLVED that the Lee County Board of <br />Commissioners, finds that the statutorily required standards exist for the creation of the two <br />proposed service districts. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, THE LEE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ORDERS the County <br />staff, including its Clerk, the County Manager and the County Attorney to take all actions <br />necessary to enable this Board to make a final legal decision whether to establish the two <br />proposed service districts by July 1, 2011. <br />ADOPTED this 18th day of April, 2011 . <br />i <br />da A. Shook, Chairman <br />For the Lee County Board of Commissioners <br />• ATTEST: <br />Gay el M. Lee, Clerk <br />L I <br />Ell <br />