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iOD <br />ITRE <br />updated 12/15/2010 <br />Participating <br />Agenc <br />(Transit System Name) <br />User of AssetWorks Vehicle Maintenance Application: <br />• NCDOT agrees to pay year 1 and 2 of the annual maintenance and <br />hosting costs. Year 3 must be built into your fully allocated cost model. <br />The projected costs are $213 /month /user for hosting and $24.82 per <br />vehicle. <br />• Agrees to identify a System Champion; this person will also serve as <br />the key system contact and on the Implementation Team. This person <br />must: be technically competent and know the system's maintenance <br />business practices, have authority to make decisions, <br />• Agrees to have a high speed internet connection, <br />• Agrees to participate in periodic system evaluations as well as collect, <br />review and respond, to "before and after" evaluation criteria as defined <br />by the Implementation Team, <br />• Agrees to evaluate and if necessary modify current business practices <br />• Agrees to use, in practice and reporting functions, the vocabulary and <br />definitions provided by NCDOT and ITRE, <br />Roles and <br />• Agrees to involve staff in training and implementation, <br />Responsibilities <br />• Agrees to "go live" within 30 days of final group training, <br />• Agrees to fully implement the functions and to use the selected software <br />and to respond to feedback given by the Implementation Team. Failure <br />to do so will result in repayment of 100% of the total cost, ranging <br />between $11,000 to $17,000 depending on the timing of this requirement, <br />• Agrees to participate in user group activities, as appropriate, <br />• Agrees to commit the necessary time for key staff during training and <br />implementation and to deal with any costs that may arise, <br />• Agrees to create a cooperative arrangement with service contract <br />providers and hold them accountable in the use of the software <br />application, if applicable, <br />• Agrees to have an approved maintenance plan, <br />• Agrees to develop a performance measurement system to improve <br />maintenance quality and the useful vehicle life, <br />• Agrees to maintain maintenance history on each vehicle for 5 years <br />following disposal and to meet NCDOT oversight expectations, <br />• Agrees to enter data (miles, fuel and work orders /repairs) daily by training <br />one person and cross training others in the organization. <br />Contact <br />Board Chair, (System Name) <br />We the undersigned agree to participate and cooperate in the development and installation of <br />AssetWorks Vehicle Maintenance Application project. <br />Miriam Perry <br />tt oriz <br />Date <br />Date <br />7- <br />Date <br />