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2011 - 07-18-11 Reg. Meeting
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2011 - 07-18-11 Reg. Meeting
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8/23/2011 3:15:23 PM
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8/23/2011 3:13:30 PM
Board of Commissioners
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;�, , 4 :..:I. <br />Renewal contract for Inmate Labor at the Lee County Animal Shelter with the NC <br />Department of Corrections (copy attached) <br />Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Hayes, Oldham, Parks, Paschal, Reives, Shook, and Womack <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />Pursuant to N.C. General Statute 153A -52.1, Chairman Shook opened the floor for Public <br />Comments. The following signed up to speak and were allowed 3 minutes for comments: <br />1. Ms. Tamara Brogan, 2520 Waterford Ct., Sanford <br />2. Ms. Martha Underwood, 3309 Westcott Circle, Sanford <br />The Board considered an amended Lee County Animal Control Ordinance. Deputy Attorney <br />Dale Talbert discussed proposed changes to the Animal Control Ordinance that were recommended by <br />the Board of Health (BOH) based upon comments made at three public hearings held during January <br />2011. The proposed amendments to the Ordinance were posted on the County's website with a link <br />through which citizens could make comments concerning the Ordinance for the Board of <br />Commissioners to consider. The Board of Commissioners deferred action on the Animal Control <br />Ordinance at their June 20 meeting until this date and time. Concerns addressed by the public <br />included if an animal was impounded for running at large for the second time it must be neutered as a <br />condition of returning it to the owner. Owners of pedigreed breeding animals argued the provision <br />could impose an unreasonable financial hardship on them. The BOH amended the Ordinance to <br />provide for an exemption from the neutering requirements, if the owner of the animal found running at <br />large reports it missing within three business days of impoundment. Another concern was that plastic <br />barrels should not be allowed as permissible shelters for dogs. The BOH responded to this concern by <br />proposing to eliminate plastic barrels as proper shelters. Another concern was that a proposed <br />prohibition against tethering animals for more than 12 hours in a 24 hour period would be <br />unenforceable. The BOH responded to this concern by considering an "attended tethering" requirement <br />and a total prohibition of tethering. The BOH recommended to this concern by considering an <br />"attended tethering" provision authorizing tethering only if "the owner is at all times.... outside and within <br />eyesight of a tethered animal." The final comments considered by the BOH concerned the minimum <br />size of pens that are required should an owner of an animal decide to keep the animal in a pen. <br />Owners of pedigreed and hunting animals suggested that the minimum pen size be reduced because <br />they sometimes desired to keep animals that were in heat or being temporarily restrained for other <br />reasons in smaller pens. The BOH responded to this concern by suggesting that a temporary <br />exemption of the minimum pen size be authorized for up to 30 days once every six months upon <br />request of the owner and an animal services officer's approval of the pen. It was also noted that the <br />Sheriff's Office now has responsibility for enforcing the Ordinance and has the authority to sanction <br />violations. Commissioners shared their concerns with the proposed Ordinance. Commissioner <br />Womack presented a list of revised changes addressing the tethering issue (animal must not be <br />tethered for more than 12 hours in any 24 hour period), sheltering (adequate shade, protection from <br />precipitation, and access to drinking water must be within reach of a tethered animal), reduction to civil <br />penalty amounts for first, second and third offenses (reduced to $50.00, $100.00 and $200.00), and the <br />complete elimination of Section 4 -195 (2) Issuance of a Criminal Citation or Arrest. After much <br />discussion, Commissioner Oldham moved to approve the Animal Control Ordinance with the above <br />referenced changes presented by Commissioner Womack. After further discussion, Commissioner <br />Oldham withdrew his motion. After further discussion, Commissioner Womack made an amended <br />2 <br />
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