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2011 - 07-18-11 Reg. Meeting
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2011 - 07-18-11 Reg. Meeting
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8/23/2011 3:15:23 PM
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8/23/2011 3:13:30 PM
Board of Commissioners
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Amendment No. 5 to Operating Agreement <br />This AMENDMENT No. 5 is entered into this &day of 2011 by and between <br />County of Lee, North Carolina (the "County ") and ARAMARK orr tional Services, LLC, a <br />Delaware limited liability company, with offices located at the ARAMARK Tower, 1101 Market Street, <br />Philadelphia PA 19107 ( "ARAMARK "). <br />WHEREAS, the parties entered into an Operating Agreement for the food services operation for <br />participants at Lee County Jail on May 31, 2006 (as amended, the "Agreement "); <br />WHEREAS, the parties acknowledge the need to address volatility in the cost of food <br />commodities; and <br />WHEREAS, the parties desire to amend the Agreement as hereinafter set forth, effective July 1, <br />2011. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and of the mutual promises in the <br />Agreement and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby <br />acknowledged, the parties agree as set forth below. Capitalized terms used but not defined in this <br />Amendment have the meanings ascribed to such terms in the Agreement. <br />1. Term: Pursuant to Paragraph 5 , Term of Agreement, the term of the Agreement shall be <br />renewed for a one year period, effective from July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012. <br />2. Price Adjustment: In accordance with Paragraphs 5A & 5B of the Agreement, the parties agree <br />that the price per meal charged to the County by ARAMARK shall be changed as set forth on Attachment <br />A as a result of changes in the Market Basket of Products and negotiations by the parties. This pricing <br />shall be effective from July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012 and shall supersede in all respects the price per <br />meal set forth in prior amendments between the parties. <br />3. Release: The methodology used to determine the price increase above, including the Category <br />Weighting percentages ascribed to each Menu Category, has been reviewed and accepted by the parties. <br />By their execution of this Amendment, each party hereby waives and releases any and all claims it may <br />have based upon or arising out of any such methodology (including the elements thereof) used to <br />calculate the price per meal as set forth in this Amendment, and further agrees not to bring any action, suit <br />or proceeding challenging such methodology or calculation. <br />4. Fresh Favorites: ARAMARK shall implement its Fresh Favorites program. ARAMARK shall <br />determine the prices at which Fresh Favorites items shall be sold. if ARAMARK sustains increases in its <br />costs, including but not limited to, increases in its product, labor or equipment costs, ARAMARK may <br />increase its Fresh Favorites prices to recover such increased costs, maintaining its historical mark -up. No <br />returns shall be accepted unless the inmate, who ordered a product, is released prior to such delivery. All <br />sales shall be deemed made when a Fresh Favorite item purchased by an inmate is delivered. <br />ARAMARK shall pay to the County a commission in an amount equal to Fifteen Percent (15 %) <br />of Net Sales on the Fresh Favorite items. Within fifteen (15) days after the end of each month, <br />ARAMARK shall deliver to the County a check covering commissions on Net Sales made during the <br />prior month. For purposes of this Paragraph "Net Sales" means total Fresh Favorite products sales, less <br />sales or use taxes and authorized returns. <br />5. Preventative Maintenance /Repairs: ARAMARK shall provide preventative maintenance and <br />repairs to certain pieces of kitchen equipment at the Facility which are set forth on Attachment B. The <br />prices and scope of such preventative maintenance is set forth on Attachment B. <br />6. Bulk Supplies: ARAMARK will provide certain bulk supplies to the County, including but not <br />limited to, laundry supplies and paper products. ARAMARK shall charge the County an amount equal to <br />Documern Number: 328872 Version: 2 <br />
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