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b <br />Special Conditions <br />EXHIBIT "A" <br />Page 3 <br />Investment No. 04 -01 -06546 <br />6, PRESERVATION OF OPEN COMPETITION AND GOVERNMENT NEUTRALITY <br />TOWARDS GOVERNMENT CONTRACTORS LABOR RELATIONS ON FEDERAL <br />AND FEDERALLY FUNDED CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS: Pursuant to E.O. 13202, <br />"Preservation of Open Competition and Government Neutrality Towards Government <br />Contractors' Labor Relations on Federal and Federal Funded Construction Projects," unless the <br />Project is exempted under section 5(c) of the order, bid specifications, project agreements, or <br />other controlling documents for construction contracts awarded by Recipients of grants or <br />cooperative agreements, or those of any construction manager acting on their behalf, shall not: <br />a) include any requirement or prohibition on Bidders, Offerors, Contractors, or Subcontractors <br />about entering into or adhering to agreements with one or more labor organizations on the same <br />or related construction Project(s); or b) otherwise discriminate against Bidders, Offerors, <br />Contractors, or Subcontractors for becoming or refusing to become or remain signatories or <br />otherwise to adhere to agreements with one or more labor organizations, on the same or other <br />related construction Project(s). <br />7. ENGINEERING CERTIFICATE /CERTIFICATE OF TITLE: The Recipient, prior to <br />Solicitation of bids for construction of this Project, shall furnish to the Government an <br />acceptable Engineering Certificate showing all lands, rights -of -way and easements necessary <br />for construction of this Project along with an acceptable Certificate of Title on said lands, <br />rights -of -way and easements showing good and merchantable title free of mortgages or other <br />foreclosable liens. <br />8. CONSTRUCTION START: If significant construction (as determined by EDA) is not <br />commenced within two years of approval of the project or by the date estimated for start of <br />construction in the grant award (or the expiration of any extension granted in writing by EDA), <br />whichever is later, the EDA grant will be automatically suspended and may be terminated if <br />EDA determines, after consultation with the grant recipient, that construction to completion <br />cannot reasonably be expected to proceed promptly and expeditiously. <br />9. REAFFIRMATION OF APPLICATION: Recipient(s) acknowledges that Recipient's <br />application for this Award may have been submitted to the Government and signed by <br />Recipient(s), or by an authorized representative of Recipient, electronically. Regardless of the <br />means by which Recipient(s) submitted its application to the Government or whether Recipient <br />or an authorized representative of Recipient submitted its application to the Government, <br />Recipient(s) hereby reaffirms and states that a.) all data in said application and documents <br />submitted with the application are true and correct as of the date of this Award and were true <br />and correct as of the date of said submission, b) said application was as of the date of this <br />Award and as of the date of said application duly authorized as required by local law by the <br />governing body of the Recipient(s) and c.) Recipient(s) confirms that it will comply with the <br />Assurances and Certifications submitted with or attached to said application. The term <br />"application" includes all documentation and any information provided to the Government as <br />part of, and in furtherance to, the request for funding, including submissions made in response <br />to information requested by the Government after submission of the initial application. <br />