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Special Conditions <br />EXHIBIT "A" <br />Page 2 <br />Investment No. 04 -01 -06546 <br />All changes to this goal, as published in the Federal Re ig ster in accordance with the Office of <br />Federal Contract Compliance Programs regulations at 41 CFR 60 -4.6, or any successor <br />regulations, shall hereafter be incorporated by reference into these Special Award Conditions. <br />Goals for minority participation shall be as prescribed by Appendix B -80, Federal Register <br />Volume 45, No. 194, October 3, 1980, or subsequent publications. The Recipient shall include <br />the "Standard Federal Equal Employment Opportunity Construction Contract Specifications" <br />(or cause them to be included, if appropriate) in all Federally assisted contracts and <br />subcontracts. The goals and timetables for minority and female participation may not be less <br />than those published pursuant to 41 CFR 60 -4.6. <br />3. AUDIT REQUIREMENTS: Applicable audit requirements are contained in OMB Circular <br />A -133. Any references to audit requirements contained in 15 CFR Part 29a and 15 CFR 29b in <br />the terms and conditions governing this project are replaced by OMB Circular A -133. <br />4. PERFORMANCE MEASURES: The recipient agrees to report on program performance <br />measures and program outcomes in such form and at such intervals as may be prescribed by <br />EDA in compliance with the Government Performance and Results Act of 1993. Performance <br />measures and reporting requirements that apply to program activities funded by this investment <br />will be provided in a separate GPRA information collection document. EDA will advise <br />recipients in writing within a reasonable period prior to the time of submission of the reports, <br />and in the event that there are any modifications in the performance measures. <br />5. REPORT ON UNLIQUIDATED OBLIGATIONS: All Recipients of an EDA grant award <br />of more than $100,000 whose Award has not been fully disbursed is required to submit Form <br />SF -425, "Financial Status Report' to EDA semi - annually to report on the status of <br />unreimbursed obligations. This report will provide information on the amount of allowable <br />Project expenses that have been incurred, but not claimed for reimbursement by the Recipient. <br />The first report shall be as of March 30 of each year and shall be submitted to EDA no later <br />than April 30 of each year, and the second report shall be as of September 30 of each year and <br />shall be submitted to EDA no later than October 30 of each year. The Recipient must submit a <br />final financial report using Form SF -425 within 90 days of the expiration date of the Award (or <br />from the date the Recipient accepts the Project from the contractor, whichever occurs earlier). <br />Noncompliance with these requirements will result in the suspension of disbursements under <br />this Award. Financial reports are to be submitted to the Project Officer. <br />